Machine 04122

“Each person has the opportunity to influence the course of events, in however small or large a way.” 

— John D Rockefeller III

The question, “what if the vaccine isn’t really a vaccine”, was raised again recently and for some reason, it was framed within the same context as it was when asked shortly after the new type of inoculate was introduced to counter the predicted scamdemic.

When faced with such a question it’s often difficult to remember life is full of surprises. These days, most people have neither the time nor the inclination to weigh every startling announcement that goes to the foundation of National interests; they have, instead, come to rely on those experts they have been trained to trust and the experts hired by those entrusted with public office.

However, there is no denying those trusted official’s explanations are getting more difficult to swallow every day and even the busiest citizens across the land are recognizing it is time for all issues connected to the scamdemic be examined more closely and the related circumstances looked at from a different point of view.

I’m no expert in matters such as determining the origin of a novel pandemic; I am not claiming to be expert in understanding the chemistry of neuroscience. I am questioning neuroscience’s applications and the true motives behind those applications.

Every U.S. citizen has a right to think and a duty to share concerns of credible threats to our Nation. One of the largest hurdles we face in addressing any possible threat is the lack of understanding and accepting the meaning of ‘credible’. You put the word ‘threat’ behind credible and suddenly, if you’re not a swamp creature or a swamp creature’s son, you have no standing.

Our nation’s controllers like nothing better than having the power of a Nurse Ratched. Many US citizens are not aware their minds have already been moved closer to Aramingo Avenue two blocks east of Kensington Avenue heading west with speed and it looks like the plan is to include as many of the rest of US they can.

I say that because they said, back in 2005, and I quote, “Temporally precise, noninvasive control of activity in well-defined neuronal populations is a long-sought goal of systems neuroscience…”

The subjects  being tested in the laboratories were rats but that was almost twenty years ago; plenty of time has passed for even the simian population’s neuronal population to have been mapped and tapped. The day is fast approaching, if it hasn’t already arrived, when humanity’s neuronal populations’ parameters will be targeted.

There was an issue last June I considered writing about but eventually concluded it was too imaginative for general acceptance; now, though, the use of psychedelic drugs as a mental health restorative is recognized and acknowledged as a scientific venture so I’m going to share it a little later. Right now, it is Spring training time and in that spirit here comes one more warm-up pitch.

The following is an account on record going back almost a hundred years that shows how when lipstick is applied to a pig professionally it can be done so well, the pig is embraced by a public with welcoming arms, a compromised mind and a heart burdened with concern for the pig’s well-being, not so much for the public it’s being presented to.

From page 21 of

…The IHB’s first director, Wickliffe Rose, described the purpose of its hookworm work in Latin America: “The work for relief and control of [hookworm] … is to be regarded merely as an entering wedge toward a larger and more pervasive service in the medical field. It will lead inevitably to the consideration of the whole question of medical education, the organization of systems of public health, and the training of men for public health service.”2 At the same time, neither Rockefeller nor Rose were interested in efforts to address the underlying cause of hookworm or other diseases. Hookworm was a disease of poverty and was strongly associated with particular forms of agricultural and industrial production that brought together large numbers of workers in settings that fostered the transmission of parasites…3

Nobody applies lipstick to a pig better than the Rockefeller Foundation especially when the bacon is wrapped around one world government.

Starting a search for truth with a mention of obamacare would likely be considered oxymoronic by most Americans at this point in time; it is only mentioned because I thought obamacare would be temporary. At that time I didn’t understand medical science was intended to be a weapon to repress free thought in the USA; it was the Obama regime announcement the White House had a Social and Behavioral Sciences Team that got me heading down that path.

One thing led to another thing and that quickly turned onto a trail that caromed right into the Rockefeller organizations. The creeping awareness experienced while turning over chronicled rocks didn’t take long to fade into another episode of shadowy tales of the illuminati.

On the plus side, I thought I was gaining a sense of the direction the poli-sci world was driving US towards but I was wrong. My thoughts weren’t dark enough and as always we were being driven in circles.

After covid was introduced on their game board, the mRNA gene replacement therapy took center stage and they (the illumined scientists and their greedy collaborator) failed convincingly in their efforts to persuade me that any part of the coronavirus industry was safe or effective, at least for US.

Their insistence the inoculants they invented were going to provide immunity when they were designed to bypass the immune system violated my sense of common sense; and oh, after a decade of collecting not very encouraging data, if I was a Professor Fate I would have thought twice before continuing to share it with a public I’m planning on scamming in another sinister plot down the road; unless I have absolutely no respect for them…

Recent studies describing the discovery of more potent, broadly neutralizing antibodies targeting HIV from chronically infected patients have revealed the potential for the humoral response to produce protective antibodies during the course of natural infection1,2. However, it is unclear whether immunogens can be designed that will elicit these rare antibodies efficiently.

Antibody gene transfer is a novel protective strategy that bypasses the natural immune response, which has been the central focus of previous attempts to develop an HIV vaccine, by directing the production of antibodies from non-hematopoietic tissues, such as muscle (Figure 1). Because this approach skips many of the steps in the usual path of vaccine development, it has been described as a leapfrog strategy. Recent advances in the use of gene transfer for the correction of genetic deficiencies3,4 – particularly the successful expression of factor IX in a small group of Hemophilia B patients – have bolstered the intriguing possibility of utilizing adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors as a vehicle for antibody gene delivery in humans. Two recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach against both SIV in macaques5 as well as HIV in humanized mice6.

Did you notice the use of words more often found in the hope column than in the positive for-sure-let’s-invest-the-taxpayers-money-in-this column; and the marketing to government only words like ‘potentials’, ‘howevers’, ‘unclear’, ‘skips’, ‘possibility’, ‘feasibility’ and thrown in for the members of the House proud of their reputation of taking deep dives on every issue, ‘intriguing’?

Here is some CDC data that doesn’t mention the antibody gene transfer method in the ‘HIV remains stable announcement at and related results:

Region: The annual number of HIV infections in 2019, compared with 2015, remained stable in all regions. In 2019, rates were 17.6 in the South 10.9 in the West, 9.8 in the Northeast, and 7.9 in the Midwest

The CDC appears satisfied with those results. They must want to downplay the antibody gene transfer technique for some reason. Maybe the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

Didn’t they recently announce covid would be another seasonal event like the flu? They did transfer a lot of antibodies this go round, though, didn’t they?

All egalitarian drivel aside, the income streams developed by the academic/corporate collaborators appear incapable of achieving the projected whole and satisfactory results. In my opinion, their results met only their own community’s accepted measure of success which includes a percentage of extremely negatively affected participants being suddenly burdened with resultant conditions that were first ignored then denied but eventually subsidized by the tax payer after the pharmaceutical lobbyists convinced various levels and departments of government the means justified their end results.

While UNdeveloped civilization might once have cheerfully speculated over ‘milestone’ laboratory successes, tuning into academic/corporate interest lost most of its glamour when the combine failed to produce the future typified by flying cars they referred to as ‘progress on the horizon’ back in the Fifties.

Thus, if any normal range-of-intelligence citizen was present on March 2012, I’m sure their eyes would have glazed over when science asked “can one elicit the behavioral output of a specific memory by directly activating a population of neurons that was active during learning?”

If the oligarchs sincerely cared about our level of scientific involvement with and our understanding of what science has learned regarding the ‘eliciting the behavioral output’ question, the lap dog media would have produced a mini-series to make sure the public grasped the concept of what it means that science acquired the ability to use optogenetic reactivation of hippocampal neurons previously activated during fear conditioning to induce freezing behavior and how they built on that concept by successfully creating false memories in different contexts and still induced freezing behavior. Or as stated at

The recall of this false memory was context-specific, activated similar downstream regions engaged during natural fear memory recall, and was also capable of driving an active fear response. Our data demonstrate that it is possible to generate an internally represented and behaviorally expressed fear memory via artificial means.

But nobody is going to make sure we understand; and why should that be a concern to the everyday tax paying citizen? Because ‘freezing behavior’ is a concept explained by Kurt Lewin, a secularist and secularists do not believe God exists. Instead, they place their faith in a scientific ability to control human behavior and their concept of behavioral modification places no limits on their high priest controllers.

Freezing behavior and the power that flows from it is understood innately by manipulative demons.

Unlike Jesus’ stated intention of lightening our burdens, a secularist is only intent on changing our world by changing our perceptions of life so every survivor of their actions will fit into the secularist idea of order. That, if it has to be said, is UN-natural and will be discussed further on as ‘magic’ is introduced as part of their armory.

Claiming expertise that rises beyond the facts revealed and explained by those once generally considered trustworthy and who now expect us to accept their edicts that can only be enforced by superseding Constitutional law illustrates in grand fashion why their wish for everyone to fit into their plan is their, no doubt about it, impossible dream.

What are their true motives?

With the high death factors related with the mRNA system, don’t you think the question changes from, “what if the vaccine isn’t really a vaccine?” to “is there an intended built-in trigger accompanying their big reset event”?

Now, there’s a question.

Has it occurred to you the mRNA shots might have less to do with a coronavirus than your behavior?

Did you wear the mask more as a go along to get along act after learning/accepting the mask had no protective value for you or others?

Two more serious questions to take us back to the related issue that a month ago I thought then was too imaginative:

1) how open to accepting required behavior modification are you and

2) how close to controlling human behavior15 is the elite?

To give you a few clues for the answers to those last two questions, here are some examples of change we appear to be stuck with despite any moral or economical objections We the People or our representatives might have raised:


With those examples in mind and knowing full well our experience with the scamdemic includes the statist ignored connections between the covid inoculated and those covid inoculated who experienced sudden and unexpected death shortly after the injection, now they’re introducing psychedelics for use in mental health applications. Not that I have anything against psychedelics understand but somehow hearing that story, and I just learned about it some months ago even though bioscience has been pushing the concept for years, I got the feeling Hunter still has influence at the Executive level and what with the introduction of noninvasive stimulation of the brain what’s to prevent gangster government from tripping us all down Kensington Ave using one of their many techniques tuned to their evil mindset?

I questioned neuroscience’s intrusive applications of their alleged science when they came up with that covid scam; now they’re developing non-invasive stimulation and talking hallucinogen’s as sedatives at the same time? Just what are their motives behind those applications. Many people don’t know how they took the right to such power from the electorate.  Some bureaucrats don’t yet  know how to use it efficiently. If they aren’t quick learners they’ll be replaced soon enough.

Watch this video for a few minutes; do you think they’ll be around long?

I don’t think those puppets  know what to do next except announce another ten million dollars was donated to fight mis/dis information.

They appear to be the scientist version of Biden.

Where did these people come from?

SSRC is a private foundation based in Brooklyn, NY, that collaborates with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies and other private foundations to fund research focused on advancing scientific knowledge about public health guidance. It “fosters innovative research, nurtures new generations of social scientists, deepens how inquiry is practiced within and across disciplines, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues.”

As far as I’m concerned, the role played by the Rockefellers while reshaping our future has not been widely recognized  by the American public; and except for the handful of NGO initiates well versed in the art of double edged benevolence,  fewer still understand the role chosen by them .

I don’t remember any request to fight mis/dis information; prior to the explosion of public access to government business via the internet most people believed the gummint.

In 1978, he became the president of Rockefeller University, until he stepped down in 1990…

During a 1986 fact finding mission of the 1979 Soviet Union epidemic of anthrax bacteria… Lederberg sided with Soviets that the anthrax outbreak was from animal to human transmission stating, Wild rumors do spread around every epidemic.” After the fall of the Soviet Union… subsequent US investigations in the early 1990’s a team of scientists confirmed the outbreak was caused by a release of an aerosol of anthrax pathogen from a nearby military facility

Well, that is Wikipedia. Anything gets published there. Whoa…wait a minute… what’s this? Bsides me having a little fun?

Dang. For your reading convenience, here’s the story told in big letters

I like to have three sources when the story stretches reality so far.

but this one is so singularly a stretch, yet has what appears to be a legitimacy ranking of the first order, I’ll serve it up unencumbered without any support other than what’s in the story itself. 

There’s more story but I’m done.  Gonna take my honey to the country, plant a garden, cut some grass and make piles of saw dust.

The End.

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