If You’re Going To Read It, Read It Like You’re FBI

seeking right-wing white supremists.

2Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of.
2Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not.

The ability to deal with people is as purchasable a commodity as sugar or coffee and I will pay more for that ability than for any other under the sun. – John D. Rockefeller

In keeping with the developing theme over recent weeks of recognizing psychological warfare being waged within the full scale of life I thought another look at the 9-11-2001 attack would be worthwhile.

What better point of engagement than the fixed-for-all-time anniversary of deception with the celebrated article from Esquire magazine published on Sep 9, 2016, fifteen years after the assault?

From https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/a48031/the-falling-man-tom-junod/

Although he has not chosen his fate, he appears to have, in his last instants of life, embraced it

He does not appear intimidated by gravity’s divine suction or by what awaits him

The man in the picture… is in accord with the lines of the buildings behind him

…he is the essential element in the creation of a new flag, a banner composed entirely of steel bars shining in the sun

Some people… see stoicism, willpower, a portrait of resignation; others see something else—something discordant and therefore terrible: freedom.

That is quite a picture of a man headed to his certain, unexpected end; an end not likely ever envisioned; an end that placed him at the opening of an epic world restructuring play with the largest audience in history as witnesses, watching the anonymous performer deliver an unspoken message recognized only by the pitiful familiars participating in the cabalistic peculation of the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness warranty as stated in our Declaration of Independence and enacted into law upon the acceptance and passage of the Constitution.

Though celebration of the freedom fought for and gained, then documented as God’s blessing on all People of like Spirit, the idea of being sovereign was never embraced by everyone. Some people, as reported above, find freedom is something discordant and therefore terrible.

Certainly outnumbered at our Nation’s birth, even up to the eve of the Civil War our enemies, brought and born, showed very little of themselves until after the smoke of the battlefield cleared. Then they were over the wall and following the Rothschild plan of enslavement.

Settling into the bureaucratic power positions made available by follow up depressions small and great, they set upon the task of chaining the American spirit.

With the democrat FDR’s Brains Trust assistance, America was introduced to life in the Swamp.

From the Armstrong economics website information:

The core of the first Roosevelt brains trust consisted of a group of Columbia law professors Adolf Berle (1895-1971), Raymond Moley (1886-1975), and Rexford Tugwell (1891-1979). Note that they were lawyers, not market investors, technicians, or economists. They knew how to get around the Constitution, not straighten out the economy. Still, these were the men who played a strategic role in shaping the legal policies of the First New Deal in 1933 – not the economics. They also never actually met together as a group

A brief review of the Brain Trust ‘core’ reveals a diverse bearing of doctrines:

Rexford Tugwell

Raymond Moley

Adolf A. Berle, Jr.

Before continuing with how the sharpening of the tools of Incremental Change is accomplished, the following link leads to an account of a feudal law in the making. https://enslavementdeception.blogspot.com/2013/06/uncovering-temple-bar-of-1666.html

You may ask yourself, is the information there valid? You may ask yourself, what is valid?

Most democrats believe the Obama administration was valid. The question is are politicians capable of such treachery as reportedly took place in 1666? We see accounts of political perfidy every day involving or instigated by democrats with no real resistance from Republicans. However, the language argument in the enslavement deception link does not hold up well against what is considered historical reference from sites like http://sites.fas.harvard.edu/~chaucer/language.htm
or https://freepages.rootsweb.com/~fordingtondorset/genealogy/Files/Glossary.html

But why would the opposing party not oppose? Part of the answer is outlined at https://web.archive.org/web/20220120110636/https://www.independent.org/pdf/tir/tir_01_4_higgs.pdf

…To narrow the concept of business confidence, I adopt the interpretation that businesspeople may be more or less “uncertain about the regime,” by
which I mean, distressed that investors’ private property rights in their capital and the income it yields will be attenuated further by government action.
Such attenuations can arise from many sources, ranging from simple tax-rate increases to the imposition of new kinds of taxes to outright confiscation of
private property. Many intermediate threats can arise from various sorts of regulation, for instance, of securities markets, labor markets, and product
markets. In any event, the security of private property rights rests not so much on the letter of the law as on the character of the government that enforces,
or threatens, presumptive rights. “What does provide some degree of protection,” notes Andrzej Rapaczynski (1996),

is the political system, together with the economic pressure groups that ensure that the state does not go “too far” in interfering with
the owner’s control over assets. This politically determined thin line may be understood as the real definition of property rights
conferred by the state, as distinct from the somewhat fictitious legal notion of property rights. How broadly property rights are
defined in this real sense and how effective states’ (largely nonlegal) commitment is to their security is a more serious problem
than the issue of legal protections against the more traditional form of takings.

…Despite the encroachments of taxation, regulation, and other government action at all levels that had been occurring for half a century or more (Hughes
1991, 92–135; Higgs 1987, 77–167; Keller 1990), as late as 1932 businesspeople in general and investors in particular remained—certainly in
retrospect—relatively free of major threats to the prevailing regime of private property rights

Then, during the next two presidential terms, the Roosevelt administration proposed and Congress enacted an unparalleled outpouring of laws that
significantly attenuated private property rights (Leuchtenburg 1963; Badger 1989). State legislatures followed suit with their “little New Deals”
(Leuchtenburg 1963, 198–88; Badger 1989, 283–84) and relentless tax increases (Brownlee 1996, 83, 85). Table 1 lists only some of the more important
federal enactments diminishing or threatening private property rights. As financial economist Benjamin Anderson ([1949] 1979), an astute contemporary
observer, remarked, “The impact of these multitudinous measures—industrial, agricultural, financial, monetary, and other—upon a bewildered industrial
and financial community was extraordinarily heavy” (357).

Anderson was hardly the only contemporary economist convinced that the New Deal measures caused the Great Duration. Schumpeter, one of the world’s
leading authorities on business cycles, wrote in the first edition of his Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy, published in 1942,

The subnormal recovery to 1935, the subnormal prosperity to 1937 and the slump after that are easily accounted for by the
difficulties incident to the adaptation to a new fiscal policy, new labor legislation and a general change in the attitude of government
to private enterprise all of which can…be distinguished from the working of the productive apparatus as such.… [S]o extensive
and rapid a change of the social scene naturally affects productive performance for a time, and so much the most ardent New Dealer
must and also can admit. I for one do not see how it would otherwise be possible to account for the fact that this country which
had the best chance of recovering quickly was precisely the one to experience the most unsatisfactory recovery. ([1942] 1962, 64–
65; emphasis in original)

Table 1. Selected Acts of Congress Substantially Attenuating or Threatening Private Property Rights, 1933–1940

Agricultural Adjustment Act Soil Conservation & Domestic
National Industrial Recovery Act Allotment Act
Emergency Banking Relief Act
Federal Anti-Price Discrimination Banking Act of 1933
Federal Securities Act
Tennessee Valley Authority Act
Gold Repeal Joint Resolution
Farm Credit Act Bituminous Coal Act
Emergency Railroad Transport Act
Emergency Farm Mortgage Act
Home Owners Loan Corporation Act

Securities Exchange Act
Gold Reserve Act Fair
Communications Act
Railway Labor Act

Bituminous Coal Stabilization Act
Connally (“hot oil”) Act
Revenue Act of 1935
National Labor Relations Act
Social Security Act
Public Utilities Holding Company Act
Banking Act of 1935
Emergency Relief Appropriations Act
Farm Mortgage Moratorium Act

Soil Conservation & Domestic Allotment Act
Federal Anti-Price Anti-Discrimination Act
Revenue Act of 1936

Bituminous Coal Act
Revenue Act of 1937
National Housing Act of 1937
Enabling (Miller-Tydings) Act

Agricultural Adjustment Act
Fair Labor Standards Act
Civil Aeronautics Act
Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act

Administrative Reorganization Act

Investment Company Act
Revenue Act of 1940
Second Revenue Act of 1940

Criminal democrat operatives, manipulating the fear their actions helped create, successfully planted the collectivist dictatorship worry seed, clearing the democrats path for the ’33 reset to take place. While evidence shows the enemy of U.S. styled capitalism had been groomed and groomed on many levels, an organized effort to re-determine the course of our Nation through regulation was established in what has come to be known as the Swamp.

As a prelude to what the elite see as the final action to destroy the freedom God has blessed US with and the establishment of their complete control over all humanity they broadcasted their calling card around the world September 12, 2001. For those with eyes to see, who recognized the unspoken message the day before, this image made it clear; they wanted no mistake, no misinterpretation, no misunderstanding. This image is their seal of ownership

and the connection to this picture cannot be denied.

Amongst it’s many occulted interpretations you’ll find this: It is time to rest, the results of your action will become clear to you; or perhaps more fitting for most of US, the message translates to that old canard from the 60’s “…when rape is inevitable, relax and enjoy it. It is so like Satan and his followers to enjoy the double meanings of his promises.

I believe that the time for recognizing the results of the 9/11 attack has come; the introduction of the new world order. This announcement of the Scamdemic arrival… Coronavirus expert: ‘War is an appropriate analogy’ has set the method of delivery in place, the long awaited by oligarchs everywhere, the replacement of our Constitutional modeled Law, UN enforced health law.

Oddly enough, in selling the ’33 reset, one Hugh Johnson, an advisor to the Brains Trust, used the same war analogy. And like the controlled ’33 reset, Covid-19 is a lie.

from https://spartacus-educational.com/USARjohnson.htm

Johnson therefore argued any successful scheme (my emphasis) would need to inject an element of compulsion. He told Frances Perkins, Roosevelt’s Secretary of Labor: “This is just like a war. We’re in a war. We’re in a war against depression and poverty and we’ve got to fight this war. We’ve got to come out of this war. You’ve got to do here what you do in a war. You’ve got to give authority and you’ve got to apply regulations and enforce them on everybody, no matter who they are or what they do…. The individual who has the power to apply and enforce these regulations is the President. There is nothing that the President can’t do if he wishes to! The President’s powers are unlimited. The President can do anything.”

The political emphasis on National Health Care (Clinton/Obama), this rush to vaccine (Trump), the impending mask mandate, public distancing, all these psychological manipulations are intended to implement control through social applications that will eventually usurp our Constitutional defined protections in one fell swoop.

The complete answer to the question asked earlier, ‘why would the opposing party not oppose?’ is found on Page 25 at https://ia802605.us.archive.org/9/items/nationalsecurit00housgoog/nationalsecurit00housgoog.pdf. You are encouraged to read the entire account.

https://web.archive.org/web/20200922205339/https://modernhistoryproject.org/mhp?Article=NoneDare Link to the first groomed ‘enemy of U.S. styled capitalism’ in case busy server message is encountered.


The lies change but our rate of descent is the same as it ever was

The Quantitative Science of Earthquake War Branding

Earthquake War Branding doesn’t exist openly although a fine explanation is found at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0962629816300646.

Dated information supporting the existence of such programs imply strategic designs for its utilization have been in place since the term plausible deniability became popular. Such manipulations of reality enable evolving technological capabilities to be directed, if or when the need arises, at either foreign or domestic enemies in an UNdeclared fashion.

Earthquakes and fires are a few of the very effective DEW messaging methods that deliver to multiple platforms; such platforms are more clearly defined by co-authors Rachel Pain and Lynn Staeheli.

From https://rgs-ibg.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/area.12138

…The focus is violence, a key theme for intimacy‐geopolitics. Understood as a multi‐faceted and multi‐sited force – interpersonal and institutional, social, economic and political, physical, sexual, emotional and psychological – violence is endemic, and intimately interwoven with other sorts of relations. For example, Pratt’s (2012) analysis of transnational care‐giving shows that the different violences, to which care‐givers are subject, cut across conventional bounds of places and scales, connected by political relations that traverse the intimate and geopolitical. Indeed, intimate violence may be tacitly or explicitly sanctioned by states and institutions. And crucially, it does not rest on physical harm to bodies; while this threat is almost always at its core, all forms of violent oppression work through intimate emotional and psychological registers as a means of exerting control…

The 10/19/20 dutchsinse report on the geological activity at Sand Point, Alaska was recorded as a magnitude 7.5 earthquake. His explanation of the geological impact of the Sand Point earthquake starts at about the 17:50 mark. It’s worth paying attention to.

At the 22:30 mark he notes the similarity between the names of the locations of the earthquakes that struck within a close time frame. The 7.5 occurred at Sand Point, Alaska and a 3.2 magnitude earthquake followed shortly after at Sandy Valley, NV., which Dutch rated as a rare occurrence before he reacted to the location’s names.

Appreciating any situational similarity I grunted at his reaction then moved on; an hour or so later I came across the ‘US Indicts Sandworm, Russia’s Most Destructive Cyberwar Unit’ story. That rated more than a grunt.

Here’s the Sandworm story from the horse’s mouth…https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/six-russian-gru-officers-charged-connection-worldwide-deployment-destructive-malware-and.

Despite the fact I have no realistic expectations of the entire DNC organization, along with the big donor enablers, being caught up in a swamp sweep I still have moments when I say things to myself like, ‘it would not surprise me to learn that the criminal democrats are also involved with Sandworm‘.

Therefore, in an effort to broaden the understanding of this transformational reset the world is undergoing, the scope of this ‘reset’ has to be expanded and re-examined; we have been informed COVID-19 has made the reset necessary but CDC data does not support such reasoning. Might as well start there.

From that CDC link we read:

NOTE: A surveillance case definition is a set of uniform criteria used to define a disease for public health surveillance. Surveillance case definitions enable public health officials to classify and count cases consistently across reporting jurisdictions. Surveillance case definitions are not intended to be used by healthcare providers for making a clinical diagnosis or determining how to meet an individual patient’s health needs. And that is the opening statement.

As my trusted advisor says, “This quote is particularly disturbing”…

“Epidemiological reports from the field are demonstrating a growing importance of presymptomatic and asymptomatic infections from two lines of evidence: the serial interval of COVID-19 appears to be close to or shorter than its median incubation period and clusters linked to presymptomatic and asymptomatic index cases. The Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) realizes that field investigations will involve evaluations of persons with no symptoms and these individuals will need to be counted as cases.”

To be perfectly clear, the CDC defines ‘case’ as uniform criteria… not intended to be used by healthcare providers for making a clinical diagnosis or determining how to meet an individual patient’s health needs.

We must assume the DNC felt that by not being specifically identified in that CDC announcement they are free to continue to apply their Draconian imperatives to their covidian cult following.

Their initiation into the Covidian Cult began in January, when the medical authorities and corporate media turned on The Fear with projections of hundreds of millions of deaths and fake photos of people dropping dead in the streets. The psychological conditioning has continued for months.

The global masses have been subjected to a constant stream of propaganda, manufactured hysteria, wild speculation, conflicting directives, exaggerations, lies, and tawdry theatrical effects. Lockdowns. Emergency field hospitals and morgues. The singing-dancing NHS staff. Death trucks. Overflowing ICUs. Dead Covid babies. Manipulated statistics. Goon squads. Masks. And all the rest of it.

Consider this additional encouragement to read the article https://off-guardian.org/2020/10/13/the-covidian-cult/

More Authority mis-speak as the NIH blusters over the facts about that diagnostic test swab’s value they presented on their website https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31992387/

The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable while there is growing evidence that the outbreak is more widespread than initially thought, and international spread through travellers (sic) does already occur.

…which goes a long way in explaining the Pawpaw Fruit & Goat Testing Positive results received in Tanzania, doesn’t it?

The Crime Family Tree

No experience necessary.

The big news lately, the October Surprise!!! of 2020, could be for many Americans a reality they thought would never be breached, for different reasons. Both registered Republicans and Democrats might not believe a traitor would reach a level of leadership approaching presidential stature but democrats react differently than Republicans. Whoops. Sorry. They’re them RINO’s we learned about. They do not reflect the will of the People at all. They’re all pulling for the Deep State they know and love.

Now whether you’re cheering the October Surprise or you think it’s as fake as a COVID designation on a death certificate you will have to recognize this Biden family does not recognize the boundaries of civil society once you get acquainted with certain characteristics they share; they love taxpayer supported loans.

Take Frank, he likes the sunny climes…

In October 2016, the Costa Rican government signed a letter of intent with Sun Fund Americas to build a solar power facility in the country. The project, which involved a company called GoSolar, specifically earmarked more than US$6.5 million in taxpayer-backed loans that had been approved in 2015 by the Obama administration’s Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC).

that’s from https://qcostarica.com/joe-bidens-brother-frank-linked-to-real-estate-project-in-costa-rica/”

Sounds like he read ‘The Confessions of an Economic Hit Man’ and learned a couple of things.

James Biden preferred a drier climate

From https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2020/01/21/peter_schweizer_joe_bidens_brother_secured_iraq_housing_construction_contract_with_no_experience.html

…”Let’s take the Iraq contracts for housing construction,” he explained. “We don’t know how much money was made by James Biden in that case, because he doesn’t have to disclose, but here’s what we know. This ‘Hillstone’ international company was set up, there was a meeting in the White House on November 4th, 2010, the only time the CEO of this company ever visited the White House, went to Joe Biden’s office, literally three weeks later, James Biden was appointed vice president of that company, and then about three to six months later, they get this contract to build 100,000 homes in Iraq.

From https://nypost.com/2019/10/15/joe-bidens-brother-and-son-have-a-long-history-of-profiting-off-his-name/

That Joe Biden saw Hunter’s work as politically damaging enough to him in 2005 demonstrates that he was entirely aware of the appearance it gave of corruption. His solution was to help Hunter and James into their positions at a financial firm, Paradigm Global Advisors…

…In the meantime, Paradigm Global Advisors fared poorly and shut down in 2010. James quickly found new work, joining a construction firm in November 2010. In June 2011, while Joe Biden was overseeing Iraq policy, the firm won a $1.5 billion contract building homes in Iraq…

…In 2012, Archer and Hunter Biden connected with Jonathan Li, who ran a Chinese private equity fund, Bohai Capital, and began talks about working together. They did a large real estate deal together in 2013 and began setting up a joint fund. In late 2013, Hunter Biden traveled with his father on official business to China, where he introduced the vice president to his partner, Li…

From https://www.dailywire.com/news/biden-campaign-vp-may-have-had-informal-meeting-with-burisma-exec-at-center-of-bombshell-ny-post-report?%3Futm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=dwtwitter

On Wednesday, The New York Post published an April 17, 2015 email from Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, addressed to Hunter Biden and thanking him for setting up a meeting between Pozharskyi and Vice President Biden. The email was sent roughly a year after Hunter Biden had joined the board of Burisma at a reported salary of $50,000 a month and with no experience working in the energy sector.

Don’t take this cranky old curmudgeon’s word for Biden’s UNworthiness The Nation put together quite a family portrait.


Tricklin’ news follows up with re-release https://nypost.com/2020/10/22/email-sent-from-bidens-brother-to-hunter-references-harris-report/

I’ll leave you with this short vignette from Joe vs the Volcano

Once In A Lifetime

Reading Brett Gary’s “The Nervous Liberals” from twenty-one years ago. Actually I was perusing my way through unexpected downtime when I started leafing through it and a phrase caught my eye at the top of page 183… ‘the handful of private communications intelligence projects sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation’. Curious fellow am I so into it I went through a search engine not named google where I fat fingered the ‘r’ in private into a ‘t’ and out came eight results:

https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/report/ai1-shaping-our-integrated-future/ Our direction(s)

https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/news/worlds-first-collaborative-fund-to-correct-gaps-and-biases-in-data-for-artificial-intelligence-launches-today/ Stretch your imagination’ Western Civilization, Somalian hammer and tong time approaches.

https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/AI1-Shaping-Our-Integrated-Future.pdf A notebook of ideas. Now where did we hear that before? A few lines from that RF site:

There are many areas where governance frameworks and international agreements about the use of artificial intelligence (AI) are needed.

For example, there is an urgent need for internationally shared rules governing autonomous weapons and the use of facial recognition to target minorities and suppress dissent. Eliminating bias in algorithms for criminal sentencing, credit allocation, social media curation and many other areas should be an essential focus for both research and the spread of best practices.

…Enter machine learning. In a traditional approach to building an algorithmic system for recognizing and sorting data, the programmer identifies the attributes to be examined, the acceptable values and the action to be taken. (The combination of an attribute and its value is often called a feature
of the data.) Using a machine-learning approach, a system is shown many, many examples of good and bad data in order to train a model of what good and bad looks like.

The programmer may not always know entirely what features of the data the machine-learning model is relying on; the programmer knows only that it serves up results that appear to match or exceed human judgment against a test data set. Then the system is turned loose on real-world data. After the initial training, the system can be designed to continue to learn.

I’m pretty sure if the programmer doesn’t know what to expect from say, a robotized dog or soldier, I wouldn’t want it to be turned loose, model or not.

https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/news/rockefeller-foundation-establishes-atlas-ai-new-startup-generate-actionable-intelligence-global-development-challenges/ Atlas, map poverty.

https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/blog/designing-responsible-ai-future/ Atlas, balance nearby wealthy sectors to match the poverty you mapped.

https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/blog/mapping-an-ai-future/ Man Triumphant! Oy, finally!

Many of our social rituals and legal rules are based on commonly agreed definitions of personal rights, corporate law and who ultimately bears responsibility for individual and societal well-being. These enshrined relationships of power and justice that reflected the realities of their day are threatened today due to ongoing technological adaptation.

Given the already apparent disruption of these fundamental ideas, the rapid pace of technological and societal change and the inability of our current rule-making systems to keep up, what are the mechanisms by which we can proactively shape a new set of rituals and rules to help us prepare for and wring more societal value from a technology-enhanced society?

https://www.rockefellerfoundation.org/video/whats-at-stake-for-equity-in-the-ai-revolution-trooper-sanders/ Sorry, without God there is no answer. Without Jesus there is no way.


We benefit from intelligence when it helps us find a vaccine. But we also suffer from intelligence when it uses the crisis to advance polarized political goals. In each case, there is a blend of human and artificial intelligence at work. The crisis is accelerating the integration of AI in every aspect of our lives. How we manage AI’s role in addressing the crisis and managing our recovery will define our next era…

The crisis is man-made by politicians following technocrat instructions. Think about it just a little. They tell you COVID-19 created the problem but you don’t want to one day say to yourself “My God! What have I done?”

But wait! There’s more!

I corrected the fat finger mistake, hit enter and was awarded with pages and pages of mediocre returns. I put the fat fingered ‘t’ back moved into the images category and goodness gracious a whirlpool of good and evil. I settled on https://hive.blog/hive-122315/@libertyacademy/part-5-the-gavi-alliance-of-the-expose-billgates-covid-19-id2020-who-cdc-bigpharma-gavi-rockefeller-connecting-the-dots cause they sounded like my kind of people.


Democrat Candidate Upset With Party… They Pay $200 per Vote in MN

and Minnesota Somalian’s are demanding she pay up.

From https://www.theblaze.com/news/minnesota-democrat-blow-whistle-voter-fraud?__twitter_impression=true

She was angry that local Democrats had taken advantage of so many elderly Somali-American refugees, who, she said, sincerely do not know that vote-buying is a serious federal crime in the United States.

No, you’re not in a grocery store check out line. It’s US: Third World version.

For that you can thank a democrat.

It’s Shocking I Tell Ya!

Facebook’s and Twitter’s attempts to censor the Biden crime family story as explained by media and rejected by readers at https://deadline.com/2020/10/twitter-facebook-new-york-post-1234597521/.

Now the media has to deal with this… https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2020/10/buckle_up_hunter_biden_laptop_scandal_may_be_about_to_get_a_whole_lot_worse.html

Are we getting signals this whole ‘Operation Reset’ thing is about to backfire on the criminal elite?

A Shakespearean insert is quite fitting here on so many levels; let’s go with “To sleep perchance to dream” as a closer.

Media Erodes Truth And Uses What’s Left To Control The Woke

By the looks of the targeted murder in Denver on Saturday 10/10/20 the media is well on the way to redefining their role of reporting news to creating it.

Example of Headline:

Security guard suspect in Denver protest shooting acted in self-defense, attorney says












Three hour video follows. My suggestion is read the comments first to get the pertinent points. You’ll find some keen insights.

I was left with the impression the person who made the video was intended to be an uninvolved witness. Doesn’t look like he pulled it off too successfully.


KUSA story from wiki2.org.

Odd What…

that President Trump had prime radio time on the Limbaugh show today, the day Gateway Pundit updated the story about Traitor Joe’s use of Voice of America (Pakistan) to call for Jihad.

Video of Joe Biden Calling for a Muslim Jihad Was Created, Translated, Promoted and Endorsed By the US Government

The next day Emgage created a video calling for one million Muslims to vote for Joe Biden. (The video can be seen here at the Illustrated Primer – it is too large to upload…)

Shortly after that, four Voice of America (VOA) employees (i.e. US government officials) took the Biden statement on the Zoom call and spliced it with the Engage video and added Urdu text…

It not only aired on VOA on the Urdu website, it also was aired and promoted on PBS.

The four VOA individuals who created the video were reportedly identified but they were able to hold onto their jobs because the authorities who reviewed the case agreed it was their first time offense and so they were allowed to remain employed…

The Lord does work in mysterious ways. He makes it plain as day what our choices are, doesn’t He?

I Don’t Want To Say They’re Turning US Into Aliens

but that’s their plan.

From https://www.mintpressnews.com/darpa-covid-19-vaccine-implant-mrna/271287/

These molecules are called ‘messenger ribonucleic acid’ or mRNA and the newfound ability to rewrite those instructions to produce any kind of cell within a biological organism has radically changed the course of Western medicine and science, even if no one has really noticed yet. As Rossi, himself, puts it: “The real important discovery here was you could now use mRNA, and if you got it into the cells, then you could get the mRNA to express any protein in the cells, and this was the big thing.”

It was so big that by 2014, Rossi was able to retire after the company he co-founded with Flagship Pioneering private equity firm to exploit his innovation, – Moderna Inc., attracted almost a half billion dollars in federal award monies to begin developing vaccines using the technology. No longer affiliated with Moderna beyond his stock holdings, Rossi is just “watching for what happens next” and if he’s anything like the doting “hockey dad” he is portrayed to be, he must be horrified…

…Hydrogel is a nanotechnology whose inventor early on boasted that “If [it] pans out, with approval from FDA, then consumers could get the sensors implanted in their core to measure their levels of glucose, oxygen, and lactate.” This contact lens-like material requires a special injector to be introduced under the skin where it can transmit light-based digital signals through a wireless network like 5G…

I can see it now… Vaccination Stations packed with screaming bidders for the latest designer mRNA as they recycle real life into one or all of the characters in the Star Wars bar scene… the never changing final scene shot from among a great herd of swine racing toward a cliff… funeral parlors will have taxidermists on staff shaping three dimensional In Memorium messages complete with recognizable voice capability proudly sharing past milestones… GED success… organs donated… trailer capable, hitch not included…

oh yeah, demand the security of vaccine. You deserve it.