Commies Traitors Nazis! Oh My!

Dear Jim
Some weeks ago, on the last full day of a four year spanking of America by its enemies foreign and domestic, I heard your plaintive cry to Rush about losing everything. Because his response sounded more like an acceptance speech for, well, acceptance and how it can help enable you to still engage the other team effectively, I’m going to step up here to say, in my best authoritative voice, Jim, there is no other team. Stop believing politicians of any party are the root cause and solution of all our problems.

And I did hear Rush express an emotional shiver of distaste of conspiracy theories, mentioning Q specifically, so I’ll do my best to avoid them. Goodness, I don’t want anyone upset over a theory. There are plenty of footnotes accompanying the information that follows to help you at least catch up with that UNcontrollable rascal, reality.

There is a matter of conspiracy so I hope you and Rush won’t be put off when I bring that up. What you will read here, though, doesn’t fall under the category of theory. Well, maybe, the Fabian Society started out that way but if you want to get an understanding of reality, you’re going to have to acknowledge conspiracies exist. There are even laws against criminal conspiracy.

Don’t be put off by the sources used. They may not be NewsMax or any other widely recognized sources but they do provide a better picture than any main stream effort made to highlight the garden nourished by socialist gaslight where the seeds of destruction were planted long, long ago.

Getting on with it…

An excerpt…

Shaw himself married Charlotte, daughter of Horace Payne-Townshend (a wealthy Stock Exchange investor), who was one of the financial backers of the Fabian Society. Shaw was employed by millionaire William Waldorf (later Lord) Astor, owner of the Pall Mall Gazette, and became a close friend of the latter’s son (and Milner Group leader) Waldorf and his wife Nancy. Interviews with both Shaw and Webb promoting Socialist ideas were published by the Pall Mall and St. James’s Gazettes.

Tellingly, the Fabians were also adept at securing a higher social and financial position for themselves – which shows that the “equitable share of natural and acquired advantages” and the “complete substitution of public property for private property” preached in the Fabian Basis and elsewhere were not regarded by Fabians as binding on themselves.

Shaw’s friend and fellow Fabian Society leader Sidney Webb married Beatrice, daughter of Richard Potter, a wealthy financier with international connections who served as chairman of the Great Western and Grand Trunk Railways of England and Canada. Beatrice was also a close friend of Rothschild associate and Conservative Prime Minister Arthur Balfour. The Great Western Railways (GWR) supported Webb’s fledgling London School of Economics by booking courses for members of its staff at the school and Webb also used his wife’s other connections to further his Fabian agendas.

As Shaw, Webb, Olivier and Wallas became the Fabian Society’s dominant “Big Four,” it becomes clear that the Society originated as a private organisation run by elements in the employ of media outlets representing liberal capitalist interests.

Indeed, the Society’s key financial backers included John Passmore Edwards, an associate of textile manufacturer and leader of the Liberal “Manchester School,” Richard Cobden himself. For example, in the 1890s, Passmore Edwards donated £10,000 for a new building for the Fabians’ London School of Economics (LSE) (Webb. p. 93).

The Fabians were also linked with the Manchester School through Harold Cox, a member of the Fabian Society who was a follower of Manchester Liberalism, secretary of the Cobden Club and editor of the influential quarterly Edinburgh Review, as well as a collaborator of Sidney Webb (Webb, p. 502).
It follows that both Karl Marx and the Fabian Society were bankrolled by industrial interests with links to the left-wing Manchester School and the media world.

These already powerful interests were allies of the Rothschild banking family which had close links to the shadowy world of Manchester’s left-wing media, industry and finance: the Rothschilds’ first port of call in England had been Manchester, where the group’s patriarch Nathan Meyer started his career in the textile trade. They had a long tradition of support for Liberal causes, several leading members of the group having served as Liberal members of parliament…

You see where I’m going with this, Jim? Politicians don’t really need you to get or keep their job; all they have to do is get systemic approval. For that, they have to position themselves where they can prove themselves. They understand that. It’s what they do. Politicians, they take care of their own; after they’ve taken care of those who own them, of course. Capisce?

It’s not as difficult to understand as most folks make it out to be.

Moving on…

A brief note regarding a Jacob Schiff fund raiser

Jacob Schiff was a New York banker. It’s reported he didn’t like Russia, nor did he like the Czar. In an effort to weaken both the Czar and Russia he (Kuhn Loeb) raised money for Japan in order for Japan to make war on Russia. The visionary scope of Schiff’s far reaching plan proved to work out nicely to his end. Not so much for Russia


…“After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard of New Jersey [Rockefeller] bought 50 per cent of the Nobel’s huge Caucasus oil fields even though the property had theoretically been nationalized [by Russia]. (O’Connor, Harvey, The Empire Of Oil, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1955, p.270.)”

“In 1927, Standard Oil of New York [Rockefeller] built a refinery in Russia, thereby helping the Bolsheviks put their economy back on its feet. Professor Sutton states: ‘This was the first United States investment in Russia since the Revolution.’ (Ibid, Vol.1, p.38)”…


Helke Rausch (University of Freiburg) focuses on a particular group of public elite actors
during the neutrality period: philanthropists in the fledgling Rockefeller Foundation.
The foundation’s officers, Rausch demonstrates, disregarded American neutrality and
from the outbreak of the war in 1914 pleaded for entering into direct commitments in
the European war zone. With the entry of the United States into war in early April
1917, Rockefeller officials and collaborators then became “combat” philanthropists,
assisting the U.S. military by providing moral education and running campaigns to
Americans in World War I – World War I in America 601

Rausch concludes that World War I served as
the Rockefeller Foundation’s period of incubation, transforming it into a hallmark of the
American twentieth century. Taken together, the contributions by Piller, Jansen, and
Rausch suggest that while some types of American engagement in the war indeed
spanned the 1917-divide, American entry into the war reframed (and transformed) its
rationale and meaning. While their work helps expand the agenda of historical investigation,
therefore, it also insists on the relevance of political decisions. They remind us that
non-state activities have political significance…

From https:/ National Security League.

Content excerpted from pages 24-27

Mr. Harrison. Do you recall offhand what is the largest contributions you have received?
Mr. Lydecker. The largest? I may say that I personally, haven’t had charge of any of the solicitation or requests for contributions but I know, as president of the league, of the largest contribution that has been made, which was made by the Carnegie Foundation. $100,000. It is in two payments of $50,000 each.
Mr. Harrison. What was that?
Mr. Lydecker. In two payments of $50,000 each.
Mr. Harrison. That was in the beginning of the organization?
Mr. Lydecker. No: the $50,000 last paid has been spent by present incumbency.
Mr. Harrison. Well, what is the next largest contribution; do you recall?
Mr. Lydecker. I have personal knowledge of no other contribution. but I have indirect knowledge of the payment of $25,000 by the Rockefeller– by John D Rockefeller.
Mr. Harrison. Personnally?
Mr. Lydecker. Personnally, I think it was.
Mr. Harrison. What is the Carnegie Foundation?
Mr. Lydecker. I believe that that is a corporation of which Mr. Pritchett is the president– Henry Pritchett. I must correct my statement. Take out the word “Foundation” and call it the Carnegie Corporation.
Mr. Harrison. They are interested in steel production, aren’t they?
Mr. Lydecker. I don’t think so.
Mr. Harrison. What do you think they are interested in?
Mr Lydecker. I understand that that is a purely philanthropic fund for educational purposes.
Mr. Harrison The Carnegie Corporation?
Mr. Lydecker: I think so.

Content excerpted from pages 248-251

Mr. Lydecker. Having covered the ground in respect of those institutions, the subject of the Americanization of adults is carried on through the dissemination of propaganda in the nature of the pamphlets which are here, a list of which I ask leave to file for the information of the committee– a list of pamphlets issued during the past two years and up to the present time.
Then I wish to add that the remaining part of the work of propaganda, in respect to the adults, is the dissemination of the work of the committee on the Constitution of the United States and the celebration, in due form, of the ratification of that Constitution on the 17th day of September, 1919…

Turning Lemons into Limeyade.


A resolution to investigate the so-called money trust was introduced in the House of Representatives in 1911 by Rep. Charles Lindbergh Sr., father of the aviator Charles Lindbergh. In 1912, Rep. Arsène Pujo, of Louisiana, a Democrat who served from 1903 to 1913, was authorized to form a subcommittee of the House Committee on Banking and Currency. The committee became known as the Pujo Committee, although, in fact, its chairman took a leave of absence for family reasons shortly after the committee’s creation and was replaced by Rep. Hubert D. Stephens, of Mississippi…

Although little remembered today, the Pujo Committee was a sensation in its day and influenced several pieces of legislation that had a substantial and lasting impact on the American system.

They include:
Establishment of the Federal Reserve system of 12 regional banks supervised by the Federal Reserve Board in order to reduce the power of private corporations to manipulate the nation’s money supply.
• Creation of the Federal Trade Commission with powers to crack down on companies engaging in unfair competitive practices.
• Passage of the Clayton Antitrust Act, which defined a monopoly and made it more difficult to create one by means including restrictions on interlocking directorates among competing businesses.3

The National Archives. “Congress and the Money Trust.” Accessed Dec. 13, 2020.
By Edward Jay Epstein

In Moscow, on May 27, l922, Vladimir Lenin, the ailing leader of the Russian Revolution, sent an urgent and secret message to Joseph Stalin, the newly appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party, instructing him and the Politburo to give their ”particular support” to a young American and his trading venture. Lenin explained: ”This is a small path to the American ‘business’ world and this path should be made use of in every way.” The American was a 24-year-old graduate of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Columbia University…

Commies, Nazis , traitors! Oh my!

Introducing Past Democrat Realities: Traitorous influences during FDR administration and its impact on post WW2 United States.


Mr. Rockefeller told a meeting of New Hampshire contractors that, at the San Francisco conference, he was the only Assistant Secretary of State who would meet with agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

I met with them at 7:30 in my room every morning,” he said, “and they told me what was going on because they were the ones who were responsible for security.

They came in one morning and said ‘We’ve got the goods on Alger Hiss.’ This was ‘45, mind you, long before anything else broke. And there also was Harry Dexter White, who was Assistant Secreary [sic] of the Treasury.”

The Governor said he had not relayed the information to others in the State Department “because of the concern that they had that maybe this [the F.B.I.] was a Fascist organization in our own midst.”

To gain something of value one has to expend something of value whether it is time, wealth or power. While power has many containers: military, industrial, medical, etc they all have their own most valuable component: intelligence. Intelligence is a more valuable commodity than ammunition. Without intelligence our ammunition is useless or worse, wasted.

Hacked Tracked and Hijacked

In closing, I readily acknowledge that many have long ago addressed this danger now UNfolding. I do not expect this message will receive any more attention than their messages did from those who have grown comfortable with chains.

I do ask those who eagerly look forward to instructions from the judas goat political organizations to start looking elsewhere for leadership. The Bible is a good start. To paraphrase everyone’s favorite Drill Instructor, your heart can’t belong to Jesus when your ass belongs to the whore. For further information consult Rev 17 and 18.

Stories Come and Go

Try to find one about election night vote swapping.

That of course makes it understandable for many Americans out there to remain offended by those of US who believe the recent presidential election was stolen.

Correlation appears strong, too, that those people who believe wearing a mask prevents covid-19 and also insist on being vaccinated with a questionable concoction that even the FDA denies is an accepted vaccine substance…

( FDA on Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine

FDA on Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine )

… are those most likely to be intellectually, morally and emotionally offended by the very thought Democrats could or would steal an election despite the overwhelming contrary evidence.

Therefore, I will attempt another avenue of access to those citizens with a reasoning disability based on their strong reliance on and deeply held belief that Government would neither screw, glue nor tattoo any citizen UNless it was deserved. We can only pray for those citizen’s eyes to be opened, their minds to be healed and their souls to be comforted as we offer testimony of human weakness; the sort of weakness that gathers in the dark and smoky rooms the lost are most comfortable in, the heartless most sympathetic in and the evil most powerful in.


The Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs (HSGAC) and the Senate Committee on Finance under took this investigation into potential conflicts of interest, and the involvement of the Biden family in foreign business ventures while Joe Biden was vice president, following allegations that the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy could have been affected by Hunter Biden’s position on the board of Burisma, and that family members may have improperly sought to benefit from their relationship with the vice president.

The first letter written regarding potential conflicts of interest was sent by Chairman Grassley on Aug 14, 2019, relating to the Henniges transaction. 3 That was an Obama era Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States ( approved transaction which gave control over Henniges, an American maker of anti vibration technologies with military applications, to a Chinese government owned aviation company and a China based investment firm with established ties to the communist Chinese government. One of the companies involved in the Henniges transaction was a billion dollar private investment fund called Bohai
Harvest RST (BHR BHR was reportedly formed in November 2013 by a merger between the Chinese government linked firm Bohai Capital and a U.S. company named Rosemont Seneca Partners. Rosemont Seneca Partners was reportedly formed in 2009 by Hunter Biden, the son of then Vice President Joe Biden, by Chris Heinz, the stepson of former Secretary of State John Kerry, and by others
. 4

The direct involvement of Hunter Biden and Heinz in the acquisition of Henniges by the Chinese government creates a potential conflict of int erest. Both are directly related to high ranking Obama administration officials. The Department of State, then under Mr. Kerry’s leadership, is also a CFIUS member and played a direct role in the decision to approve the Henniges transaction. The appearance of a potential conflict of interest in this case was particularly troubling given Hunter Biden’s history of investing in and collaborating with Chinese companies, including at least one that clearly poses significant national security
concerns. This history with China precedes and follows the 2015 Henniges transaction. This report will discuss Hunter Biden’s and Devon Archer’s corporate entities and their links to the communist Chinese government in more detail…

The records acquired by the Committees show that Hunter Biden and his family were involved in a vast financial network that connected them to foreign nationals and foreign governments across the globe. Hunter Biden and Archer, in particular, formed significant and consistent financial relationships with the corrupt oligarch Mykola Zlochevsky during their time working for Burisma and their firms made millions of dollars from that association while Joe Biden was vice president and the public face of the Obama administration’s Ukraine policy. Rosemont Seneca Thornton, an investment firm co-founded by Hunter Biden, received $3.5 million in a wire transfer from Elena Baturina, who allegedly received illegal construction contracts from her husband, the former mayor of Moscow. Moreover, Archer’s apparent receipt of money for a car from Kenges Rakishev of Kazakhstan while Vice President Biden was in Kyiv is especially concerning in light of the timing. And finally, Biden and Archer’s work with Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime illustrate the deep financial connections that accelerated while his father was vice president and continued after he left office.

Biden and Archer found willing partners in Chinese nationals connected to the Communist regime. Their work in China began at least in 2009, with the creation of Rosemont Seneca Partners with Heinz, Secretary of State John Kerry’s stepson. Then, several years later, Biden and Archer formed BHR with Bohai Capital and received their business license approval in China shortly after Biden visited China with his father, Vice President Biden.
Hunter Biden’s connections and financial associations appear to have accelerated significantly after he associated himself with Ye Jianming, who had deep connections with the Communist regime and PLA. However, that didn’t seem to have any impact on Hunter Biden, who made millions from the relationship. Indeed, Hunter Biden and his family, to include James and Sara Biden, associated with other Chinese nationals such as Gongwen Dong. In one case, the three of them went on a $100,000 global spending spree after Gongwen Dong and Hunter Biden opened a joint account. In addition, Hunter Biden received millions of dollars over a period of years from Gongwen Dong’s companies. According to records acquired by the Committees, many of these transactions involved potential criminal financial activity…

430Ranking Member Ron Wyden, Wyden Takes to Senate Floor to Address Russian Disinformation in Flawed Congressional Investigation, 2020 Election (Sept. 16, 2020),
431 The Committees received a small number of records from Telizhenko related to his communications with and subsequent work for Blue Star Strategies. Ranking Member Peters and Ranking Member Wyden have access to these records but have refused to receive or review them. Had they done so, they would have observed that the State Department, National Archives, and Blue Star Strategies (after it received a subpoena) produced most of the same records to the Committees. They also would have noticed the emails and text messages that Blue Star failed to produce to the committee…

As always, read the report yourself at

Who knows where it might be January 21.

From the Power of Power report.

Is It Me…

Or are the cheaters acting like they know they been caught?

It’s been a while since the last post. I’ve been waiting to see how long it would take before a conclusion based on reported facts, in some cases, historical facts would emerge and overwhelm Democrat lies and obfuscations.

Time appears to be running short for such an explanation so I’ll toss my two cents in tonight.

This coup looks to me like a hurried effort to establish the one world order. I’m no expert, I thought we had a few hundred years of slippery swamp slopes ahead of us before the intense hell on earth commenced but with all the political actors/criminals turning hard core psychophant (yes, yes I know) in the direction of the Orient I gotta go with what I know and with what I built my opinion on.

Why this NWO effort is hurried, I have a suspicion or two and the Orient factors in that as well; might as well try to get that behind US.

Sensible folks acknowledge a designed pandemic was to be a key component of the long announced Reset; very few governments resisted the WHO’s early warnings or rejected the projected casualty levels. When it became obvious WHO jumped the gun, fumbled the ball, or is just not very good at participating in complex operations, common sense resistance arose from a small portion of the medical field and the medical wary but not from government leaders; except for one notable exception, the Tanzanian President. He objected to the unreliability of the testing kits.

As you may know, none of the objections made any difference to those approaching with chains.

This bumbling fumbling display of incompetency by the tenured bureaucracy of the elite was not recognized by their political lackeys. Maybe because millions of wage earners were ordered to stay home and encouraged to mail in their votes and many cooperated. Well, maybe just the many who wore masks.

Nevertheless, it heartened the gangster politicians; all they had to do was continue their bloviating inconsequentialities and their asses were gold.

Meanwhile, the results of that bloviating was blamed on a cold virus, the real perps controlling the narrative they were using to steal our Country kicked it up a notch and Americans who dared to go public with their disdain were targeted. Next thing you know soviet lesson #2 or 3 kicks in and every lie they can think up is repeated. Repeatedly.

This wasn’t the message it started out to be. Too many distractions.

Until a more timely opportunity arises here’s a postcard from the other side to ponder