Behavioral Science Proves White Man Can Be Tamed

I think we’re supposed to be surprised.

An innocent sounding story to most, I guess, but it was a story that made me want to know more.

It all started Tuesday when I came across this story headlined as “Trump has made America less racist”.

Strange, that, I said to myself; I think I have to jump down that rabbit hole that’s opened up before my eyes.

And I jumped. The first place I landed, changed the subject substantially in my opinion. The actual title of the paper, authored by Daniel J. Hopkins and Samantha Washington, is:

The Rise of Trump, the Fall of Prejudice? Tracking White Americans’ Racial Attitudes 2008-2018 via a Panel Survey .

They were only tracking White Americans?

I thought the way they changed the subject was shamefully misleading. Shamefully. There are very sensitive segments of society involved who value truth UNvarnished so I had to look a little closer; lo and behold, USNews using FBI figures from 2001 – 2015 that excluded the Trump years raises the question, when is black racism going to be recognized let alone tamed?

The number of black people killed by whites – a demographic in the FBI report that includes those of Hispanic descent – surged by nearly a quarter in 2015 from the year before, as the number of whites killed by blacks jumped 12 percent. Together, such interracial killings increased about 13 percent from 2014

Next I found Dan Hopkins at and learned two things; Samantha left no trail and before he joined the University of Pennsylvania, Dan was a member of the White House Social and Behavioral Sciences Team.

What??? The White House has a Social and Behavioral Sciences Team??? Why, yes. Yes, it does. And while its roots go back to the Clinton administration, or was it the LBJ administration?… it’s a long story. Regardless, its roots go far and deep but it was Obama who put the Brave New teeth into the program.

I’m going to let the 18 September 2015 issue of the New American tell the story. I wouldn’t want you to miss the slightest detail; the Cass Sunstein ‘nudge’, his idea to exploit behavioral science to automatically enroll utility customers in expensive “clean”-energy programs unless they specifically take action to opt out…

Hold on just a guldurn minute. That’s what they do now. Boy-o-boy. The power of Obama and big government! It’s alive!! Really. And it’s still being funded.

Here is the EO Don’t you just love that better serve America phrase?

But wait!! There’s more!!!

You know all those karazy people who talk about psyops and conspiracy? They aren’t crazy! They understand.

Pay real close to John Holdren’s message at ’cause your ride is going to get a little bumpy in the future. If you don’t read the fine print you’ll never see the real change coming; and it is coming; like a Somalian pipe and hammer outing.

That Social and Behavioral Sciences Team is real, folks, no doubt about it.

Read this

And in case you missed the disclaimer, here it is again.

Note: The views expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the official views of the United States Government or the Government of the District of Columbia.

Bless their hearts.

Does your workplace have a diversity and inclusion program? I never heard of it until recently. This is how I heard it worked as told by someone who may not have passed:

Employees were required to take an assessment test of their personal attitudes towards people of different cultures, races, genders, beliefs as well as different behaviors such as LGBT. The tool apparently assessed where you “think” you are in your tolerance of differences and where you “actually” are (according to UNdefined standards).

After taking the test, employees had a one-on-one with an ‘evaluator’ to discuss the results. They were shown where they believe their attitudes are on the politically correct society map and then shown where their attitude “really” is. At least one person lost it with the ‘evaluator’. The evaluator noted that maybe it was due to “faith” beliefs. Were they still important? Yes, family and faith are important was the oft-spoken reply. The evaluator assured the participants the meeting was confidential and 30 hours of training modules are available to ‘learn and grow from’.

Pretty strange for someone who grew up in the land of the free and the home of the brave.

I doubt it stops there.

Well, it’s been three years we’ve been waiting for the political criminals to get hauled away. You know what they’re waiting for? The Second Amendment to get cancelled and for US to get hauled away.

Now the deep state is going Gulag lite on their employees to plant the worm. By applying behavior modification strategies to public policy and making it appealing to the easily upset, they modeled retirement plans for the government inert to encourage them to save more money for retirement.

Behavioral economics has found a receptive audience in governments that, over recent decades, have increasingly been tasked with addressing such broad and complex social problems as obesity, climate change, and social exclusion… addressing broad and complex social problems being the key phrase.

What’s really on the small hive’s mind? Can you say disarmament?

Even the Chinese want to disarm US. But I think they are just doing Number 1 son-in-law a favor. ‘Course that might come in handy someday for them, too.

What kind of odds are you giving for the Second Amendment’s survival?


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