Read It Now Believe It Later

As Halloween seasoned stories go, chances are you’ll never see this one in a theater or on video.

It all started about five thousand years ago during what might be considered the dawn of civilization. The location is generally referred to as Mesopotamia and the Sumerians were running the show at the time.

As the end of the 3rd Millennium approached, the Sumerian Third Dynasty of Ur was disintegrating under the weight of the nomadic invaders moving into the villages and urban centers of what many people these days think of as the first civilization.

For all their intellectual achievements, Sumerians apparently failed to consider that by creating welcoming cities those cities would eventually be turned into slums. Or maybe that naturally occurring factor was known and considered a given in their equation.

Maybe the Sumerians came from planet Jokesondem to influence the fertile crescents inhabitants’ cultural development and upgrade their DNA; the inhabitants DNA to be clear.

Maybe their visit was not intended to be permanent but in reality was an intended two thousand earth years long Jokesondemian’s missionary version of one and done; a slo mo wham, bam, thank you ma’am, we’re outta here multi-generational squared kind of visit and not the imaginative explanation from Twentieth century eggheads about Sumerian assimilation with the native Akkadians, Amorites, Hurrians and Hittites being responsible for the end of the Sumerian influence and their disappearance from earth.

The deeply cynical Hollywood type might even claim it generated a bet; the winner to be determined on a return visit.

In any event, the Sumerian exit was still more than a thousand years before the Hebrewery opened for business east of Eden. That’s right, the end of the Bronze Age (which perhaps explains third place medals being bronze). Here’s a Semitic hat tip to their Greek adventure.

We aren’t even close to the strange part of the story and all I’ve offered is a bunch of maybes and perhaps; well, at least they’re harmless conjecture with a basis of historical fact and you’re not falling down dead from my maybes’ and perhaps’.

Time marched on and Egypt followed the Sumerian’s into recognized existence by approximately 500 years and 1200 miles and brought Ma’at with them.

While most internet explanations of Ma’at identify it only as a goddess or as a concept representing positive values necessary to maintain Life’s balance, the explanation Iraj Bashiri offers in his manuscript “The Impact of Egypt on Ancient Iran” gets beyond the usual wearisome focus of peace, love and sisterhood.

Dr. Bashiri explains that while Ma’at does lay out the Divine Right to rule it makes clear the duties that accompany that right. It also explains how prosperity awaits for all as long as the connection to Ma’at is maintained; it serves as the basis of life in this world and a guarantor of resurrection in the next for all. If you’re not familiar with “The Impact of Egypt on Ancient Iran”, it’s worth the effort to find and download the thirty page read.

Ma’at was the juice that powered their purpose and the purpose that powered their juice. It’s a timeless model for the ruling class, whichever one is at the helm, an Egyptian perpetual control machine with a void built in as the when fact meets friction  clutch to depress when Chainge is about to be called for from the helm.

About halfway through Basheri’s account he included the Egyptian Creation story and the Iranian Creation story both referencing the void and the chaos associated with it, providing some substance to the illusion that all things come to he who waits; meaning, the puzzlement I expressed in Hocus Pocus regarding the room in the basement of the U.N. put there as a place for people to contemplate the void and this Dag Hammarskjold quote hanging on the meditation room’s wall regarding it …”There is an ancient saying that the sense of a vessel is not in its shell but in the void. So it is with this room. It is for those who come here to fill the void with what they find in their center of stillness.” is being addressed.

I’ve always considered Dag’s outlook a bit too brazen in its suggestion, what with how the UN is always ready to add to Life’s chaos, but since Dr. Bashiri’s explanation of the Egyptian’s comprehensive grasp of the duality of existence is so refined, the forceful manner of the recent reset and everything connected to it is becoming explainable now and an outline is forming to define and clarify the actions taken by the global elite in the past and can be presented to show the purposeful and intended outcome currently emerging is not to anyone’s advantage but the elite’s.

The reason any resistance to the globalist actions fail, at least how I see it, is because the elite keep themselves separate and apart from the rest of us and use the political parties as their firewall. We must all have recognized that institutionalized failing at some level by now and pretend it doesn’t matter even as we turn away from our Rights.

Proving that we, too, use the politicians; not as a firewall but as our excuse.

Our half assed resistance to this longtime roll-out of designed capitulation completely ignores the reality that our Constitutional based freedom has been turned over for others to control and reduce as they deem necessary.

Here is the much bigger point, Planet Earth is a Good vs Evil arena and everybody is a player. So when any person who believes (s)he is a good person on the Good team but follows the rules the Evil team put in place that favors the Evil team’s game plan and good people go along because good people always play by the rules, its a built in game, set, match for the evil team every time. Even if it means they have to delay our nation’s business they hammer away until they find or engineer a way to exploit the rules they have rebalanced.

For successful, that is, lifetime political office holders, compromise is accepted as a part of the game of Good vs Evil that likely takes place in that void mentioned above. But what few people understand (other than pre-WWII Japanese, modern high level politicians and most democrats innately) is compromise results in a measurable loss or diminishment of a position; and while normal people may believe a diminished point could be regained in the future that is rarely so; anyone who has paid attention knows the Left, (and I will no longer use that term, the Left, when I now recognize that those more responsible for the chaos we are subject to consider themselves Progressives) the Progressives understands the power gained by diminishing every position of their opponent is never lost and that diminishment is to continue until there is nothing further to impair or if settling for damaging an issue that attack can be a renewed at their convenience perhaps to cover an UNrelated failing on their part.

Incessant attacks on every point of the Constitution are a long time example of that strategy. Never accepting an election loss, even claiming victory and fighting over it for weeks when their loss is obvious to the world is another example.

There are no time outs in this game’s final quarter and what with so many among us expecting next year’s calendar theme to be ‘End Times’ while the globalist elite appear to be looking forward to, even if they are incapable of fulfilling that expectation, exaggerated consequences from any one of the global conflict hotspots they already created can be triggered by that whimsical leftist precept the elite built fortunes on, ‘never let an opportunity go to waste’.

But what if it’s a hijacked false flagged ‘End Times’ scenario designed to fool most of the people one more time that’s being bandied about by the internet worry warts? A scenario intended to energize the push the darker side is going to need to ‘git ‘er done’ after spending a few millennia arranging and fixing the game; and git what done exactly?

What then, or who, is twisting the garrote and how has it or they maintained their solid base history claims was developed more than two millennia ago?

And what genius was/is behind the subtle manipulations birthed by the Humanist philosophy that led to three of them being used to advance, in covert fashion, the end of long targeted portion of humanity? Let’s look at the Humanists and their three pigs: magic, medicine and science.

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