Truth Will Shout

February 25, 2022 

In the early hours Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale military assault on Ukraine, inciting a wave of international backlash and sanctions against Russia.

“Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will bear the consequences,” President Joe Biden said.

Some on social media claimed the United States may have more at stake than it lets on.

A post shared to Facebook on Thursday shows a map of Ukraine pinpointing what the poster asserts are “exclusive U.S. biolabs in Ukraine” that are funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. 

“By now I think most everybody knows about Ukraine/WW3,” reads the post, which amassed more than 400 interactions in a day. “So what do we know about this??”

March 2022


Why would the  U.S. fund labs working with deadly pathogens which could be used for biological warfare so close to the Russian border?

Why indeed? From

In 1978, he became the president of Rockefeller University, until he stepped down in 1990…

During a 1986 fact finding mission of the 1979 Soviet Union epidemic of anthrax bacteria… Lederberg sided with Soviets that the anthrax outbreak was from animal to human transmission stating, Wild rumors do spread around every epidemic.” After the fall of the Soviet Union… subsequent US investigations in the early 1990’s a team of scientists confirmed the outbreak was caused by a release of an aerosol of anthrax pathogen from a nearby military facility

March 2022

In recent weeks, the Russian Defence Ministry has peeled back layers of information about 30+ Pentagon-funded biolabs feared to be engaged in dangerous and illegal research into deadly pathogens in Ukraine. US officials and media initially denied that the labs existed, but a senior Biden administration official later confirmed their presence.

June 10 2022

…Task Force’s predictions of “bio-tagging” the US population for biosurveillance tracking through a program called MAVNI would be captured in my two books “Awan Minutes To Midnight” and “Under Lockdown”. Since the UK’s Porton Down bioagent facility was actively involved in this program, I have given the book “Under Lockdown” the same middle position as the British Gold Beach landing in the infographic…

…By late 2019, we were already predicting a lockdown with some sort of new, novel virus, to be delivered from Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Batallion in China for spread across the globe. These initial speculations were later confirmed in a March 2020 gathering of citizen journalists near Washington, DC. This research about Ukrainian Billionaire Igor Kolomoisky’s Azov Batallion potentially super spreading the new, novel virus is depicted in my book, “Somewhere Under the Rainbow”...

How about it? Have you noticed that you are dusting your abode and your vehicle’s interior more frequently when the democrats  are holding the reins?  Not that the spineless republicans would not play the sneaky mean big brother when their turn comes.

Bioresearch labs are not needed to eradicate diseases that can be controlled by improving sanitary measures at a fraction of the cost associated with bioweapon production.

Bioweapons are the Grim Reapers scythe approaching the global population.

From the Moody Blues Days of Future Passed

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