Memorial Day 2022



If you don’t know the story behind the picture read it here.

It is a record of a memorable event that may be both the shortest in measures of time and boundless in measure of devotion to duty in our Nation’s history. You should know about these two remarkably normal Americans; about how they dug in their heels, leaned forward into a no-doubt-about-it-deadly-threat, showing no concern for their lives as others around them, sane men as one Afghani policeman described them, broke and ran to safety.

As Cpl. Jonathon Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter fulfilled their orders moments after being posted on guard when they willingly and with attitude that is recognizable in that picture sacrificed their lives for those it was their duty to protect.

It is those two Marines I think of on Memorial Day since I learned of their story. It was seven years before I heard their story and only now have I dug out their story as told by General John Kelly in the speech he made twelve years ago.

In that speech, Kelly made some observations that bear repeating:

As we sit here right now we must not lose sight of the fact that America is at risk in a way it has never been before. Our enemy fights for an ideology based on an irrational hatred of who we are… We did not start this fight. It came to us motivated by a visceral loathing of everything we are, and it will not end until the extremists understand that we as a people will never lose our faith or our courage…

The Nation he was describing then was already slipping through our fingers; and even as we the people pretend we haven’t lost our grip on liberty when we chant the corporate sounding USA!USA!USA! we are ignoring two important facts:

We ignore our One True God Who alone blessed US with freedom and the Constitution that defines our Nation’s heritage through the work of our Founding Fathers and

We ignore the open violence our most dangerous enemies perpetrate on our lives.

Of the two, ignoring God will be the root cause of our demise as a Nation.

The only connection we have to our heritage these days are the UNcompromising cuffs of slime that bind our empty hands to the owners of the new world order, cuffs coated with the veneer of slime their political whores folded on our Constitutional Republic as they did the bidding of their pimp/benefactors, the architects of that same global obscurity that seeks first our enslavement and then our demise.

We are forsaking the control of our destiny God blessed US with and the Constitution defined for US almost 250 years ago. That strand of political slime  is now being connected to the impatient new world order; coated with the slime their political apparatchiks layered on our Republic for so long many are unable to recognize we’ve all been conditioned to slavery for more than a hundred years.

General Kelly does a fine job explaining the enemy’s characteristics at

…Our enemy is savage, offers absolutely no quarter, and has a single focus and that is to kill everyone of us here at home, or enslave us with a sick form of extremism that serves no God or purpose that decent men and women could ever grasp…

I don’t think the General had our real enemy in mind when he said that, although he did a grand job of describing them.

He just doesn’t look low enough in all the high places to recognize and identify them.

Pay attention to Davos and Geneva to get a clearer sense of WHO our true enemies are and have been for the last hundred years and then some.



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