Covid Doesn’t Respect the Vaxx

why should you?


For one thing, the most commonly cited number to prove “vaccine efficacy”—“90 percent of covid deaths are among the unvaccinated”—is fundamentally flawed because it goes back to the earliest days of the injections when almost no one had gotten them. Obviously, nearly all who died of (or with) covid in January and February of 2021 were “unvaccinated.”

Moreover, our health officials have been engaged for over a year in a kind of statistical sleight of hand, categorizing people who have taken the injections as “unvaccinated” up until 14 days after their second shot, which means at least five or six weeks have passed since their first shot. In doing so, they ignore evidence that the shots actually make people more susceptible to the virus in the short term. So if you contract covid after getting both shots, but prior to the closing of the 14-day window, and then die, you are considered an “unvaccinated” death. (They’re playing this same trick with the booster shots, too.)

This method also does not account for those who die as a result of immediate adverse reactions to the shots. Such deaths are generally numbered among the “unvaccinated,” even though it was the “vaccine” that killed them…

Wait. There’s more. A Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Decision Science has recently decided covid was a scam.


When three eminent clinicians produced an accurate science-based approach to COVID that was counter to the Biden/Fauci anti-science tyrannical narrative, the Washington establishment went nuclear. NIH Director Francis Collins wrote to NIAID Director Fauci the following.  “This proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention – and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford. There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises. I don’t see anything like that on line yet – is it underway?”  The proposal was the Great Barrington Declaration and the “fringe epidemiologists” are faculty from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is supposed to track harmful complications after vaccination. When Jessica Rose, PhD, found that VAERS was under-counting and Washington was under-reporting adverse even fatal complications from mRNA vaccination, she assumed others would be interested. She submitted her findings as a research paper to an academic medical journal. The publisher, not peer reviewers, “declined to publish” her work with no explanation. Censorship keeps clinical physicians in the dark.

In addition to suppressing dialogue among researchers, Washington stifles communication between bio-scientists and the public. When physicians tried to publicize natural immunity acquired after COVID infection, Washington censored reports that would counter the official narrative.

When physicians started to use ivermectin, Washington feared this would detract from people’s willingness to comply with the vaccine mandate. A campaign was launched to suppress drugs like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and monoclonal antibodies as treatments…

I’d say better late than never but for those who submitted to the government lies and employer bullying, late is too late.

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