democrats Are So Evil

How evil are they?

Democrats are so evil they denied God three times at their convention.

Democrats are so evil they have two versions of gun control; one for US and one for them.

Democrats are so evil they want to turn the U.S. of A. over to communists who won’t trust you to trust them. The first two minutes of that video tells the story.

Democrats are so evil they blamed a video and let Americans die to cover their lie.

Democrats are so evil they prefer to lock up their own citizens who were doing the job politicians refuse to do rather than lock up the invaders of our nation.

Democrats are so evil even when they retire they will purposely time it if they can to screw the taxpayer one more time.

Democrats are so evil they led US into two world wars no one but the globalist elite wanted and then put their names on a transformative school for willing wannabe tyrants of the future (see the youtube above).

Democrats are so evil they actively work to undermine our Nation’s greatness and toil to smash US into three pieces of the globalist totalitarian zeitgeist .

Democrats are so evil they call foreign officials who yield to their blackmail solid.

Democrats are so evil even when the scam involves a prior Republican administration and public record, when big money and muslims are involved their lips are sealed.

Democrats are so evil they don’t care who’s listening

Democrats are so evil they have a permanent creepy uncle

Last but not least, Democrats are so evil their participation in the communist planned overthrow of US can be traced throughout their Marxist checklist

Dishonorable Mention
Awan’s congressional impact

Media complicity

Border treachery

WJC bait and switch?

Obama’s transparent white house

Ladies and Gentlemen… The Knickerbockers

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