Welcome guest commentator, Susan Remer.

With each passing election, the consequences become more dire for us living in the real world.  During the 8-year Granholm Reign, young working age people left our state in droves, resulting in Michigan being the only state to lose population in the 2010 Census. During the past 8 years, some improvements were made with eliminating the huge budget deficit left by the Democrats.

Considering we had a Republican governor and Republican Legislature, though, I did expect more but was disappointed. I felt like the old lady in the Wendy’s commercial: Where’s the Beef???

Now we are faced with regime change back to the Democrats.

Ms. Wittmer pointed out that the problems facing Michigan have been ignored for the past 30 years by both parties. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me again? Well, what is left for We the People to do when our so-called Representative government no longer represents us?

Are we supposed to bank on the overused Democrat communication tool of inference and assume once again we should ‘Keep Hope Alive’ that the roads and bridges will finally get fixed?

In reality, what we have to look forward to is our taxes getting raised again to pay for what we already paid for and another across the board notice of cost increase in the already most expensive auto insurance in the country – because of the damage caused by existing hazards and risks on the roads!

The water quality is substandard to downright dangerous all over the state (catch fish, just don’t eat them). Don’t drink the water. Boil your water. Buy bottled water – Nestles is here to help!
The schools still suffer under Common Core “curriculum” or whatever name it now goes by – an abject failure by any name. Nothing new about that, and while our Education Elites and Experts smile smugly at the cameras, precipitous decline in measurable lack of scholastic achievement is documented over the past 50 years of their graduated product.  

Where is the accountability for this heinous crime against our children’s future? This isn’t a poverty issue or crappy home environment – school teachers have always contended with that. Whatever used to work well to teach reading and math skills has been abandoned and demonized by the Experts, selling us a new bill of bads.

The assault on children goes even further with rogue judges shooting down the State’s Constitutional right to define marriage. We had a referendum to define marriage that was passed by the citizens, a method which Ms. Wittmer touted in her SOS, but only if it goes her way. She and Ms. Nessel don’t like marriage limited to one man and one woman, so the will of the people is out the window? Who cares what is best for children and for women, too? Will anything be done by the Republicans to thwart this injustice on the will of the people?

Ms. Wittmer wants to join in with other Democrat-led states to comply with the UN/Paris Climate Accord to address the bogus charge of human-caused Global Warming.

This will ruin Michigan’s economy if she succeeds.

Michigan has plenty of natural gas, oil and coal as fuel resources that provide way more bang for the buck than subsidizing wind turbines and solar panels made in China. Being bound to the unsupportable Paris Climate Accord, Obama’s unproven environmental legacy and European posturing does not bode well for Americans. Targeting oil, coal, natural gas, and fertilizers, raising livestock, and landfills? What drives democrat leadership to strive towards our economic destruction and ultimate demise?

Pat Colbeck had a compelling detailed blueprint for improving life in Michigan when he ran for Governor. Hopefully our Republican legislature will adopt such a clearly stated plan with understandable goals and quantifiable objectives that rewards success and penalizes failure and corrupt practices.

Is such a plan under development?

Will there be any public response by Republican Legislative leaders to Ms. Wittmer’s agenda?

Democrats demand unity from their minions on their agenda. The only “agenda” I have seen from the Republicans, locally, statewide and nationally is to ignore MAGA, which many citizens support from both parties. This isn’t about President Trump personally, but what he represents… first and foremost, representing the increasingly dis-enfranchised American citizens who believe in rule of law and protecting America’s interests. That is what I voted for, and that is what I want.

In the end, if nothing is done about the egregious Voter and Election fraud in this state and throughout the country, what’s the point of me voting anymore?

We already know why the Democrats triple down on enabling this criminal fraud of ineligible/illegal/dead voting pool. What to conclude when our Republican representatives do nothing to fix the problem?  It is obvious the Open Borders Republicans are selling us out, too. That makes the Chamber of Commerce and big donors happy, but it makes me very angry to live in a de facto banana republic. Ms. Wittmer brags about her testosterone. Let’s hope she and her fellow Matriarchs will meet their match in the Legislative Branch.

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