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Blind Soldiers of NWO March On

A article reported today that “Congressman Ro Khanna (D-CA) claimed Tuesday there were no embassy protests or deaths of American contractors under the Obama administration.

Now, everybody knows that’s a lie but reading that article could not have been timed better. It nudged me into looking at Obama era posts where I found a good ol’ ‘smoking gun’ reference. Ah, those were the days.

The link to frontpage does not work. Use if you want to get the pertinents.

The Benghazi Mayekar/Alhassani/Obama connection was one notable embassy protest that comes to mind. Samir Mayekar moved on to and Mehdi K. Alhassani of fame, who… a few hours before the Benghazi attack, Alhassani met in the White House with Samir Mayekar, a George Soros ‘fellow’ for an unscheduled visit…

Here’s some Sharia financing information you might find interesting.

February 2011, out of concern that foreign commercial banks that previously submitted to sharia law were mixing Islamic banking activities and conventional banking activities Qatar ordered non-islamic banks close their Islamic finance divisions in Qatar by the end of the year

Six months prior to that announcement, the Qatar Central Bank issued new rules that effectively gave conventional banks that opened sharia compliant windows a choice: Full submission to sharia banking methods or be limited to conventional banking activities.

To appreciate the sharia arm twisting behind the new rules, one only has to understand “The estimated 15-20% annual growth rate of Islamic services has encouraged conventional banks to open sharia-compliant windows in recent years and the new rules will therefore have a significant impact on their growth. Islamic finance has been an important driver in attracting new customers. Islamic assets among the country’s banks grew at an average of 54.3% between 2003 and 2010, compared to 37.8% in conventional assets over the same period, according to MEED.”

That quote is from

Major corporations that consider themselves sharia compliant in one fashion or another, in other words corporations not yet faced with the choice of a short knife elimination from a perceived expanding market or a full commitment to sharia compliance include: Bank of America, Barclays, Bloomberg, Century21, J.P. Morgan Chase and even Coca Cola.

The longer but probably incomplete list can be read at

Palantir and Sharia compliant Financial corporations… put them together and what do you get?

A Well Regulated Militia Questionnaire

Anything for the cause. I put this together back when the Obama crowd was getting pushy about armed citizenry.

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

1) Do you believe the County Sheriff is the highest ranking LEO in your county?

O yes O no

2) Do you believe the County Sheriff owes primary allegiance to the State/Federal Government?

O yes O no

3) Do you believe it is acceptable for the County Sheriff to avoid publicly declaring an allegiance to the Second Amendment?

O yes O no

4) Do you believe the concept of holding politicians feet to the fire improves their character and level of respect for constituents?

O yes O no

5) Do you think voting a non-performing, Constitutional disrespecting politician out of office would improve your and your family’s life and well-being?

O yes O no

6) Do you believe the Second Amendment empowers you to join or start a militia group?

O yes O no

7) Do you think a County militia is relevant in the Twenty-first Century?

O yes O no

8) If you said yes to question #7, do you think there is any difference between a Sheriff’s posse and a militia?

O yes O no

9) If you said no to question #8, would you be willing to join a Sheriff’s posse to resist State/Federal gun registration or collection?

O yes O no

10) Do you think Sheriff would ever, if the need arose, call for a posse to resist any egregious State/Federal action contrary to our Constitution?

O yes 0 hell yes O no O Hell no


Having once again come across an article where the democrats accused the White House of the democrat party’s favorite activity, playing games in a most dangerous fashion, I thought it was time to look into the somehow empowered democrats propensity of using their political energy weapons in the most domestic of fashions while they express horror at any actions their opposition party takes that appear to defend US from foreign enemies the democrats helped birth.

My effort paid off by providing an unexpected introduction to Nawal El- Saadawi and I consider it a blessing when I encounter a truth delivered like the arrival of the eye of a category five hurricane.

Nancy Pelosi’s hammer should be so powerful.

Other weekend reading provided enlightenment from a different direction by Burton L Visotzky who explained the emergence of “rabbinic Judaism”, a form of Judaism that emerged from the rubble of the Herodian Temple and in his words was “shaped and defined by rabbis” using vocal transmissions of what the rabbis called their “Oral Torah” that lead to a Judaism that replaced the Israelite Temple religion.

If one thought about it one might see the similarity in the way our Constitution took a mortal hit from the Patriot Act after the takedown of the World Trade Center and the ready adaptation of rabbinic Judaism after the Romans destroyed their temple in 70 CE; as Rabbi Visotzky put it, “In short, what is now called “Judaism” was invented in the matrix of Roman culture.”

What’s more of a concern for US is the recent proclamation about special status being provided Jews and the daily news media accounts of people arrested for verbally assaulting Jewish people.

You see, when the rabbis were developing the oral tradition they were also giving their own interpretation of Scripture, an effort intended to replace the Temple as the source of authority. While modern rabbis retain that authority they also are assuming the mantle the recent status of special provides and that adds a whiff of the infallibility the Roman/Jesuit pope is in the process of casting away.

While some may celebrate the likely end of the Roman Church’s reign, one important thought to remember is the Church foundation was always presented as based on the teachings of Jesus who made clear the difference between right and wrong and the origins and the consequences of each.

Rabbinical Judaism presents moral leadership as equivocating virtue without value. Regularly. An Outback society of no rules just rights. And that, my friend, just leads to a walk to the locker room

When You Get Down To It…

there is nothing new.

Getting back to that USMCA scheme. I was introduced to a new concept the other night, Shared Sovereignty. It does not compute for me so I looked it up and found this necklace of black pearl wisdom, by one Gabriel Reznick who clarified things for me with his conclusion:

This essay explored the transition from Westphalian Sovereignty to post-Westphalian Sovereignty. In order to do so I looked at the EU as a supranational state, and through analyzing the treaties, we can see the creation of this supranational state. One of the main elements that is stressed in this essay is the importance of shared sovereignty relating to the EU. In order to belong to the EU the member states had to give up some of their sovereignty, which would be transferred to the different EU institutions. But the member states still have some sovereignty and in order to create new laws compromise has to be made between the EU member states and the EU institutions. In order to explain the transition from Westphalian to post-Westphalian sovereignty, this paper used security as a case study. By looking at the new threats in this global world, we can see that transition, security is changing from territorial security to more global security, worrying less about their borders and more about terrorism. The EU challenges the Westphalian model because it shows an alternate route, that has proved affective in this global world.

Please, study that conclusion while I go look for the Westphalian information. It’s important.

OK. Since the transition out of the Westphalian model is allegedly proving effective for the EU that Westphalian model must have been a real bite because if I was called to witness for the EU the nicest thing I could say it’s a real fluster cu…yeah, that. But not remembering specifics about the Seventeenth century I needed a refresh and took a short course at It’s free, shorter than my memory and worth the detour.

If you won’t go, this is what grabbed my attention:

The European colonization of Asia and Africa in the 19th century and two global wars in the 20th century dramatically undermined the principles established in Westphalia.

That grabbed my attention because the two global wars in the 20th century dramatically undermined the Westphalian principles. If that makes no sense to you look up Albert Pike and three world wars.

The modern effort to replace the Westphalian principle that recognizes State sovereignty and established the foundations of the free world does not bode well for Western Civilization as we know it.

Do you want to rely on globalist word games to provide your sovereignty? Security is changing from territorial to global? For who? How many Frenchies, Brits or Germans are dead now because the EU turned into a welcoming continent with an asterisk that explained the ‘refugees’ might take some time to acclimate to our way of life.

The post-Westphalian world is wrapping it’s tentacles around US, my friend, and the House of Representatives has already embraced the squid. There might still be time to convince the Senate we’re not interested.

Wait a minute, you might be thinking. This is a trade treaty. Yes it is. And this is a WTO paragraph that says:


Trade rules apply only to government actions. In trade treaties these actions are called measures, a term that includes legislation, regulations, rules, procedures, decisions, and administrative actions. WTO rules for government measures span the entire field of public health, including inter alia:

•surveillance and control of infectious disease

•regulation of hazardous products

•control of environmental health risks

•provision of food security and nutrition

•regulation of the health risks of biotechnology and emerging technologies

•provision of access to health services and essential medicines

•measures to prevent chronic disease.

Oh yeah, the WTO has a partner, a silent one judging by the lack of mention most everywhere in the current news stories.

Like I quoted from the New American a couple of days ago…

…Section 102 of the implementing legislation states: “No provision of the USMCA, nor the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, which is inconsistent with any law of the United States, shall have effect.” However, the whole purpose of the bill is in fact to change U.S. law in order to be in compliance with the USMCA, once the bill is enacted into law. Section 102 of H.R. 5430 read, in part: “Nothing in this Act shall be construed … to amend or modify any law of the United States, or … to limit any authority conferred under any law of the United States, unless specifically provided for in this Act.”

Regarding State law, Section 102 goes on to state, “No State law, or the application thereof, may be declared invalid as to any person or circumstance on the ground that the provision or application is inconsistent with the USMCA, except in an action brought by the United States for the purpose of declaring such law or application invalid.”

In other words, this empowers the federal government to sue states to overturn their laws that conflict with the USMCA. Turning federalism upside down, this language would virtually transform the federal government into an enforcer against the States on behalf of the regional integration scheme…

Again, Donald Trump is not going to be our President forever nor are the democrats going to go away.

To reinforce that observation, here’s something from a very recent e-mail about the willingness of the wealthy to push a leftist agenda. Take note of the observations within.

They have been pushing their agenda for quite a while.

Somebody Has To Ask

While the non-impeachment closed in a cloud of sophomoric democrat UNcertainty-based humour, few people were left glued to C-Span to witness the follow-on attack by the globalist pawns, united as always when they are called to rally ’round their bosses.


On Thursday, December 19, 2019, by a vote of 385 Yeas to 41 Nays, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act (H.R. 5430) to approve and implement the USMCA regional integration scheme.

Of those who voted against the sovereignty-crushing regional merger scheme, Representative Justin Amash (I-Mich.) tweeted earlier on Thursday:

President Trump on trade deals:

NAFTA: “the worst Trade Deal ever made”

TPP: “even worse” than NAFTA

USMCA (mostly NAFTA with elements of TPP): “the best and most important trade deal ever made”
— Justin Amash (@justinamash) December 19, 2019

Sound like piling on to you? It is. It’s piling on a mostly UNaware American people.

There are rules laid out in that USMCA scheme that stink of tyranny. Trump isn’t going to be president forever but it doesn’t look like he’s gonna ‘lock them up’, either; you go to the New American link and soon enough the inside of your monitor screen is gonna get wet with democrat drool. You read some of the things they have to say about the likelihood of cutting off our balls.

Section 102 of the implementing legislation states: “No provision of the USMCA, nor the application of any such provision to any person or circumstance, which is inconsistent with any law of the United States, shall have effect.” However, the whole purpose of the bill is in fact to change U.S. law in order to be in compliance with the USMCA, once the bill is enacted into law. Section 102 of H.R. 5430 read, in part: “Nothing in this Act shall be construed … to amend or modify any law of the United States, or … to limit any authority conferred under any law of the United States, unless specifically provided for in this Act.” (Emphasis added.)

Regarding State law, Section 102 goes on to state, “No State law, or the application thereof, may be declared invalid as to any person or circumstance on the ground that the provision or application is inconsistent with the USMCA, except in an action brought by the United States for the purpose of declaring such law or application invalid.” (Emphasis added.)

In other words, this empowers the federal government to sue states to overturn their laws that conflict with the USMCA. Turning federalism upside down, this language would virtually transform the federal government into an enforcer against the States on behalf of the regional integration scheme…

World Trade Organization is not about gun control, you say? Maybe not yet but you ought to have an idea by now of who they are and what they do.

We won’t have to wonder too much longer about how the UN troops would gain entry into our world. This USMCA is rightly identified as a scheme, that’s for sure.

So let’s step away from the impeachment distraction for awhile and concentrate on providing guidance in huge and frequent measures to the Senate regarding adding some Second Amendment protection in any agreement they make with their globalist friends.


It is only fitting that the status of the date, December 7th, in the words used by a drama queen democrat president to usher US into another world war, “…a date which will live in infamy…” would, in less than eighty years, be reduced in historical significance by the bi-partisan gas lighters of December 18, 2019 hiding behind a wall of naked lies as they hammer out a long chain of treacherous, fabricated accusations designed to destroy the peace and tranquility promised US by our Constitution and do the devil’s work in order to remove US from our place of world leadership and into a plebian existence controlled by world class criminals the likes of which we, the citizens, rose to battle against in the numerous and bloody conflicts political criminals encouraged throughout our past.

The Democrats own infamy now. They just reworked the phrase. They own it and they are the party that will live in infamy.

For however long they last, anyway.

My List of Obama’s Culpable Offenses

is not complete.