Everything Remembered Develops a Version Eventually

because eventually the worm turns.

From 2017-07-18


It’s incredible that, almost 30 years after the presidential election of 1988, many “Priistas” (or members of the ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party, or PRI) in Mexico still won’t acknowledge the electoral fraud that occurred that year.

Actually, the PRI refuses to recognize that fraud has occurred in every presidential election from 1929 to 1994 — the era of the hand-picked successor, in which the current president essentially designated the next one.

But the 1988 election has resurfaced, thanks to some confusing and fanciful statements that Manuel Bartlett, the former secretary of the interior, has given in recent interviews. Apparently, Bartlett doesn’t seem to recall what happened in Mexico back in 1988, so let me try and refresh his memory.

That Bartlett guy sounds familiar.

The initial vote tally from the July 6, 1988 election gave a clear lead to Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, the candidate from the Party of the Democratic Revolution. But the vote count was suddenly halted — officials later would blame a “system crash” — and days later, when the final tally was tabulated, the winner just happened to be Carlos Salinas de Gortari, from the PRI.

I’ve talked with Salinas de Gortari about this issue twice. The first time was in October 2000, in Mexico City.

“Would it be safe to say that an electoral fraud put you in the presidency?” I asked him.

Of course not,” Salinas de Gortari told me. “There was no fraud.”

“The system crashed,” I responded. “It took six days to release the final results. In 1,762 polling stations, the PRI got 100% of the vote — very Soviet-style … then in 1992 all the ballots were destroyed. Yet there was no fraud?”

“There wasn’t enough documentation,” Salinas de Gortari said.

“Cuauhtemoc Cardenas keeps saying there was fraud,” I told him. “And many Mexicans reckon there was fraud.”

“Well, why wouldn’t they, if that idea has been pushed all these years with a misinformation campaign?” Salinas de Gortari said…

From February 23rd, 2023


…Another chapter is dedicated to AMLO’s admiration for Bartlett, a conclusion he reaches as a result of his research between the ideological positions, political thinking and speeches of both.

“A vision of a totalitarian state, an absolute vision that controls all economic, political and social activity, can be seen in both of them. Leaving a minimum or a margin to the private director. Both are united by that ideological vision of the totalitarian state, of hating the PAN, the right wing, the businessmen,” the author also told Infobae.

Finally, Moreno-Durán suggests that Bartlett, 85 years old, aspires to go down in history as the great energy reformer of Mexico, “selling the populist and demagogic discourse: ‘We need the electricity industry for the benefit of the population.'”

“In reality, however, this is not the case, we are today in an interconnected world with data and it has been proven that private intervention in the generation of electric energy results in lower tariffs, accessible to millions of Mexicans,” concludes the author.

Time out. Somebody has purchased a kool-aid stand and may or may not be aware that the worm that is turning is always the same worm.

Or a relative. And when that worm turns it’s normal people that get crushed.

That this group is getting a push …


… should make it easy to recognize the 21st Century political crime lords roles are those of characters in an  IMAX version of …




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