WHO Can’t Handle the Truth?

Everyone by now should be aware of the world wide governmental efforts to stop the spread of medical misinformation the roots of which started with the skepticism that developed from the bilateral political controllers actions based on an UNproven virus, that’s right virus, that put US under martial law where we remain today governed more by controllers of the questionably elected than the will of the People.

Yesterday, I had a long conversation with a visiting gentleman who, during our conversation, brought up the fact he had been tormented for years by a skin condition that included fiber like protrusions on his face he used to spend hours shaving off. He stopped going to doctors because they didn’t try to help him nor did they even try to identify the cause of the torment. He claimed he still didn’t know the name for the condition but said he has encountered numerous people in Michigan with the same condition.

I had heard similar complaints during or around 2005 from people in the Southwest with the same skin problem and while I couldn’t recall the name connected with it I remembered the growths being described as fibrous so I did a search at duckduckgo using ‘ fibers growing out of skin’ as the search term and very quickly came up with Morgellons. In fact, the duckduckgo images page opened and I called him over to see if the pictures were similar to what he experienced and his face reflected shock. That’s when he said he never knew it had a name until that minute.

Anyway, this morning I decided I’d look a little further and share what I found.

The first information was dated 2012 and from http://archive.longislandpress.com/2012/01/26/morgellons-disease/

Its opening statement reads like this…

Mogellons [sic] disease only exists in sufferers’ minds, according to a new study by the Center of Disease Control.

What the heck, here’s the rest of it just so nobody accuses me of cherry picking.

People with the disease often complain of crawling sensations on their skin, oozing sores and red, blue or black fibers that grow out of their skin. It was named in 2002 from a 1674 medical paper describing similar symptoms.

The number of people with these symptoms was so high that in 2008, federal health officials began a nearly $600,000 study into the disease. The results, released Wednesday, concluded that Morgellons is a psychological condition.

“We found no infections cause,” Center for Disease Control and Prevention official Mark Eberhard said.

The study looked at more than 3 million people in Northern California that were insured under Kaiser. The 15-man team found that 115 patients had the symptoms of Morgellons. At least 100 agreed to answer survey questions and roughly 40 agreed to undergo physical and psychological evaluations.

Researchers found no fungus or bacteria that could cause the symptoms, and the fibers were mainly cotton and nylon. They concluded that skin lesions were caused by the patient scratching their skin.

The majority of sufferers are middle-aged white women but there are no common environmental factors and they did not live in nearby areas.

Many doctors believe that the condition is a form of delusional parasitosis, which is a psychological disorder where people believe they’re infected with parasites. However, the participants showed no indication of having a delusional disorder.

The sufferers did not have an unusual history of psychiatric problems and did well on the psychological exams. The study did find that they were more depressed than the general public and more obsessed about physical illness.

This corresponds to a Mayo Clinic study published last May (2011) that concluded that the 108 Morgellons patients they studied were not suffering from any physical ailment, and that the sores were caused by their own scratching and picking at their skin.

The second website I visited was https://www.morgellons.org/case/ dated two years later. It started off with…

The Medical Advisory Board of the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) developed a Case Definition, the most recent revision of which is currently nearing completion. Until this more rigorous definition has been submitted for review, the much earlier case characterization (seen at bottom) will remain in place…


The Following Signs or Symptoms are The Basis of Morgellons Disease as defined by patients that fit within a consistent boundary that is also outside the boundary of other “known” diseases. The initial three characteristics parallel a much more entrenched illness, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP) named decades before today’s laboratory technology and infection/immunity knowledge, driven by HIV, developed. The more recent findings listed below provide a far broader and more consistent evidence base, strongly supporting the likelihood that DP is a prematurely assigned label to an organic, rather than purely psychiatric disease.

1. “Filaments” are reported in and on skin lesions and at times extruding from intact-appearing skin. White, blue, red, and black are common among described fiber colors. Size is near microscopic, and good clinical visualization requires 10-30 X. Patients frequently describe ultraviolet light generated fluorescence. They also report black or white granules, similar in size and shape to sand grains, on or in their skin or on clothing. Most clinicians willing to invest in a simple hand held commercial microscope have thus far been able to consistently document the filaments.

2. Movement sensations, both beneath and on the skin surface. Sensations are often described by the patient as intermittently moving, stinging or biting. Involved areas can include any skin region (such as over limbs or trunk), but may be limited to the scalp, nasal passages, ear canals, or face…and curiously, legs below the knees.

3. Skin lesions, both (a) spontaneously appearing and (b) self-generated, often with pain or intense itching. The former (a) may initially appear as “hive-like”, or as “pimple-like” with or without a white center. The latter (b) appear as linear or “picking” excoriations. Even when not self-generated (as in unreachable regions of babies’ skin), lesions often progress to open wounds that heal incompletely (e.g., heal very slowly with discolored epidermis or seal over with a thick gelatinous outer layer.). Evidence of lesions persists visually for years.

4. Musculoskeletal Effects and Pain is usually present, manifest in several ways. Pain distribution is broad, and can include joint(s), muscles, tendons and connective tissue. Both vascular and “pressure” headaches and vertebral pain are particularly common, the latter usually with premature (e.g., age 20) signs of degeneration of both discs and vertebrae.

5. Aerobic limitation is universal and significant enough to interfere with the activities of daily living. Most patients meet the Fukuda Criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well (Fukuda, Ann. Int. Med., 1994). Cardiology data and consistently elevated heart rates suggest a persistent myocarditis creating lowered cardiac output that has been partially compensated for by Starling’s Law.

6. Cognitive dysfunction, includes frontal lobe processing signs interfering with logical thinking as well as short-term memory and attention deficit. All are measurable by Standard Psychometric Test batteries.

7. Emotional effects are present in most patients. Character typically includes loss or limitation of boundary control (as in bipolar illness) and intermittent obsessional state. Degree varies greatly from virtually absent to seriously life altering.


1. Shifting visual acuity. Unexplained frequent need to change glasses prescription, perceived changes in visual field, and scattered and changing level of perceived light intensity.

2. Numerous neurological symptoms and clinical findings. A variety of neurological symptoms and signs have been reported. Common physical findings include abnormal Romberg, peripheral neuropathy in ALL (feet, and in some cases fingers), abnormal reflexes, verifiable, probably neuropathic pain and recurrent brain control abnormalities affecting motor function, circadian rhythm, body temperature and respiratory rate.

3. Gastrointestinal symptoms, often including dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, swallowing difficulty, and changes in bowel habits (Similar to IBS or Crohn’s disease)

4. Acute changes in skin texture and pigment. The skin is variously thickened and thinned, with irregular texture and hyper- OR hypo-pigmentation pattern. Overgrowth or hypergrowth phenomena are common (nevi, skin tags, microangioma, lipomas, callus formation).

5. Arthralgias. Frequently reported, although arthritis is not. Common joints are in fingers, shoulders, knees and vertebrae.


Elevated cytokines: TNF-alpha, IL-6, TGF-beta; elevated inflammation markers: C-reactive protein and TNF-alpha; Immunodeficiency markers: low CD 56 or CD 57 number, low C1Q, low IgG subclasses 1 and 3; hematological abnormalities: low hemoglobin and hematocrit with abnormal RBC indices; and biochemical abnormalities: elevated blood glucose, insulin, calcium, and serum Homocysteine, and low serum potassium and magnesium.

The consistent finding of numerous unexpected biologic agents at atypically high levels (some thought to be non-pathogens, others definitely pathogenic) strongly supports that an immune deficiency state exists in Morgellons patients. Agents identified serologically include many zoonoses (intermittently and in low numbers) such as Borrelia (at least five species) and Babesia, a single recently found gram negative bacterium, most herpes viruses, some strongly activated such as VZV and HHV-6, several mycology species (esp. Tineas), and particularly in those we have labeled Morgellons patients, parasites (species will be elaborated following PCR sequencing).

Much more scientific sounding, don’t you think? The kind of methodology one would expect from medical scientists.

Finally, there is https://doctorschierling.com/blog/morgellons-the-craziest-disease-youve-never-heard-of dated almost eight months ago on June 3, 2022. It’s a fine mix of facts in a field of explored rabbit holes. Dr. Schierling is a chiropractor and more interested in scientific explanations than the CDC. One more thing, Schierling provides a link to information about Dr. Rife. You really ought to familiarize yourself with Dr. Rife.

Back to misinformation, the subject of this post.

Here’s the search term I used to verify the government’s interest in controlling the truth… ‘U.S. government actions to prevent misinformation’ using another duckduckgo search.

These are just a few of the results.

https://www.state.gov/disarming-disinformation/ State Department




All I have left to say on the subject is, if the government and big pharma are allowed to ignore or deny facts, as pointed out in the Morgellon information reported above where do they get the right to decide what is misinformation or that the public has no right to make up our own minds based on information garnered from sites we deem reliable, even government sites like this next one?


The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results

Data current as of 01/20/2023

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Vaccine Type

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Total 1,886,173 128.84%

COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19) 812,168 55.48%








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