Making Weather Pay II

Reacting to a Breitbart article earlier today that reported what MSNBC contributor Claire McCaskill said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” that she hoped people in Florida who hate the federal government will remember that the federal government was there for them in a time of disaster…

I was reminded of one of the earliest posts I made here and I went back to read it. It was February, wintertime with repeating winter storms but a few of the links were redirected to a naked ladies website so I thought it best to address the problem, pardon the pun. I did such a good job I thought I’d use it again and here it is. Oh, and Clare, most people I know don’t hate the government, but the criminals in charge? That’s who the boos are directed at. Only Biden supporters like you evidently can’t make the distinction.

Without further ado,

If you’ve been affected by extreme weather this winter chances are, if you are on your congressional representative’s email list, you’ve received one or two messages updating the current condition of your misery and encouraging you to seek help at established stations somewhere in your district.

The continuing onslaught of freezing temperatures, snow and icy conditions have prompted me to put this PSA together.

First, to dissuade any naysayers out there, once again I’m offering evidence. This right here and here and here or here should convince you that weather modification is not science fiction. It’s business. Big business. I’m not saying they’re Bad Business, just big and they exist to modify weather.

Let’s move up a step, though, to an entertaining video about HAARP and the perceived ability it has to impact the weather and other things.

Next, is a 1979 Report from the Comptroller General of the United States taken from government archives online that will help you understand the bureaucratic need for clarifying the government involvement in the concept of weather modification.

In most cases government involvement means the political rats will be sniffing around looking to find a means to exploit it for their own benefit. This time it appears the hue and cry raised by the Left, upon hearing how the military seeded clouds during the Vietnam war in an effort to close the ho chi minh trail to commie traffic, had the rats scurrying for cover.

There may be a few reports out there of congressional funding of weather modification made public since the 1970’s but they’ve escaped a hasty search using Ixquick’s searching engines. However, that doesn’t mean we’ve escaped paying for this particular manipulation.

Here’s an interesting take on the subject.

But, I’m getting off track. This is a PSA intended to help you so let’s get to the meat of the matter.

Weather has been a tradable commodity since 1997 when the first OTC weather trade was made. Two years later the Chicago Mercantile Exchange got in the game and this October 14, 2010 article reports it’s been gangbusters ever since.

According to the investopedia website:

“…Broadly speaking, CME weather futures and options on futures are exchange-traded derivatives that – by means of specific indexes – reflect monthly and seasonal average temperatures of 15 U.S. and five European cities…”

“…Current users of weather futures are primarily energy companies in energy-related businesses. However, there is growing awareness and signs of potential growth in the trading of weather futures among agricultural firms, restaurants and companies involved in tourism and travel…”

But anyone who can learn the rules of the game can play. If you’re feeling lucky and have some money to bet on the weather the CME is the casino. Not that I’m suggesting you do. Too many bad things get their start in Chicago.

This PSA is about providing the information you won’t hear on the MSM. Maybe you won’t like learning that the Global Masters ability to control US extends even to the weather. Weather modification may not yet be perfected to the point their agricultural firms can blame their failed GMO crops on ‘The Drought’ but you can bet all the connected players will be raking in the dough as the bread lines erupt in frustration when it comes about. This weather play is one of their most savory angles. There’s little doubt they’ll work it hard right up to the end.

Maybe the next time you get a reach around email from your congressional representatives expressing heartfelt concern, you might want to write back and ask her what are the chances that what you’re experiencing isn’t the result of weather modification meeting up with market manipulation.

Let me make myself perfectly clear on weather as weapon. Russia and China are recognized as weather changers, too. Some say Russia is better at it than anyone. If our government had not been taken over by gangsters years ago and if they didn’t project such a burning intent on turning US into a third world entity I’d be blaming the commies.

Unfortunately, we no longer have the luxury of only being targeted by known foreign enemies.

Breitbart story
Russia and China

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