Rockefeller Foundation Announcement

Having been a leader and prime mover of the eugenics movement as reported at, last months announcement by was such a surprise it appears it has not yet registered on the abortion industry’s wrecked-her scale.

Though we pray this will deal a major blow to the abortion industry we must keep in mind that these are the days of deceit; the possibility that it is an UNannounced hand off to the Gates foundation must be considered a probability. Or perhaps this mea culpa sacrifice is intended to focus on the white racist angle,  not so much the agents who used the eugenics movement to target the congenitally ‘sick, lame, and lazy’ they felt were not worth the space God provided them; any further attention generated by this disengagement could be jinned up by their progressive army to create more anger events the oligarch’s politicians can use to further dismantle the Republic.

You might dismiss that as cynicism but you can’t claim it is baseless.

One more related item.

I came across this news recently that announced last year…

This new study by researchers from the U.K. and Sweden looked at the dynamics between the waiting ovum and the sperms that swim towards it. The team says that there is a chemical communication that occurs between the female reproductive system that receives the sperm and the incoming sperm cells from the male partner. They explained that the primary mechanism might be known, but the molecular mechanism that forms the basis of choice of sperm cell by the egg is not clear. They write, “there is a growing appreciation that females can bias sperm use and paternity by exerting cryptic female choice for preferred males.”

The team from Stockholm University and Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust speculates that there may be chemicals that attract the sperm. These chemo-attractants are released from the eggs

I mention that study for two reasons. First, the scientists we are supposed to recognize as the final word on all matters and subjects they deign to invest their money in or make their money from–its-how-he-became-the-highest-paid-federal-employee/are, as humans, still limited to speculating about the origins of life and yet they cannot include, even in their speculations, that God, the Supreme Being as our Creator, created the process that makes every person, every single one of us, special; and women are blessed as His tool in the creation process establishing the link, persevering through to my second reason, that every person who contributed to the establishment or the continuation of the eugenics system worked or works against God’s will and is not to be trusted.

Seriously contemplate that.

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