Back To Basics

It does seem to me the National roof is falling in slowly and it seems the weight of lies is not being factored into this approaching calamity by most folks because of the confusion those lies are causing.

In hope of making sense of the current slow motion disaster I am going to post information that has not, in my fading memory, been clarified in the two years it’s been affecting our lives.

Please read it carefully and if you find anything that doesn’t sound right, confuses you or is a cause for concern please contact your congressional representative or senator for clarification of each and every issue you need their guidance on. That’s what they’re there for.

While there is not a lot of information, there is a lot of information generated by professional smooth talkers so I plan to post the information over three days.

Day 1

This link is intended to help make sense out of nonsense.

This link is the basis for the 2 year shutdown. Pay attention to the four reasons action is supposed to be enacted and using your own common sense do you think what we were led into was justified?

I believe this was intended to baffle US with BS

There’s more lined up for tomorrow.

Day 2

From the federal register link we learned that before an EUA may be issued, the Secretary of HHS must declare that circumstances exist justifying the authorization based on one of four determinations:

(1) A determination by the Secretary of Homeland Security that there is a domestic emergency, or a significant potential for a domestic emergency, involving a heightened risk of attack with a, chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear (“CBRN”) agent or agents;

(2) the identification of a material threat by the Secretary of Homeland Security pursuant to section 319F-2 of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act sufficient to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad;

(3) a determination by the Secretary of Defense that there is a military emergency, or a significant potential for a military emergency, involving a heightened risk to United States military forces, including personnel operating under the authority of title 10 or title 50, of attack with (i) a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent or agents; or (ii) an agent or agents that may cause, or are otherwise associated with, an imminently life-threatening and specific risk to United States military forces; or

(4) a determination by the Secretary that there is a public health emergency, or a significant potential for a public health emergency, that affects, or has a significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad, and that involves a CBRN agent or agents, or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent or agents.

Now we know why ‘war’ was declared on a virus…

Something you might have missed today was this announcement from the NY Times:

The ‘window is rapidly closing’ to gather crucial evidence on the virus’s origins, scientists say.

Wait a minute… you smelling something? They take actions that wrecked our economy and our lifestyles; they pretty much destroy our culture, bully millions of people the world over into forced inoculations with something they call a vaccine that has thousands of deaths connected to it based on circumstances a sometime bureaucrat interpreted as a domestic emergency? From that link:

Thompson said HHS was in the eye of the storm after the 2001 terrorist attacks, and Azar had an important role in responding to the resulting public health challenges, as well as the subsequent anthrax attacks, making sure there was a vaccine ready for small pox, and dealing with outbreaks of SARS and influenza.

HHS got through 2001 without locking down the Country, why the lockdown nineteen years later over some manufactured event they have trouble building a case about?

If they can’t build a case, they don’t have a case. How come we’re still their victims?

You remember this Hipaa waiver bulletin?

I don’t either but it’s still in effect; and something tells me they want it in effect when that window slams shut.

Day 3

Here’s a last minute addition I wish never occurred; because it did it will serve as a reality check for those who, on blind faith, allow politicians, bureaucrats and their criminal controllers a free pass when the Constitution poses a challenge  to their plans.

We have reached  a point where we must recognize  the choice we face. Are we to continue further down this dark trail of transgressions committed against US by these vile, traitorous scum and say nothing? Those who seized power did not intend  to improve our lot, there was no plan to help upgrade America’s lives, brighten our children’s future or honor God, our Lord of heaven and earth.

It should be obvious to all after today’s stories out of Kabul, the treacherous betrayals, the attacks on  our military this hoax of covid and the inoculation we are being pressed to submit to is only intended to end in weakness and death for the American Body.

Fake tactic to instill fear…

A fake shovel used to dig our fake grave deeper in their fake world

An article written a couple of years back that is applicable today





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