Life’s Little Surprises

We were watching Motherless Brooklyn the other night, a tremendous movie. In these days of side effects it fit well as it shows  how easily change is accomplished when no one is paying attention.

The back story, as explained in the end of movie special feature, reinforces that observation with the information it innocently shares with the viewers.

Nevertheless, it is an outstanding film UNlikely to be matched by any similar effort based on Twenty-First century methods used by the sociopathetics who have long held in custody the bridge of our ship of state; those who have put their faith in the psychologically coercive efforts they’ve developed from scratch (Old Scratch more likely) and used them to transform human weaknesses into their strengths, and human frailties into reasons for elimination as the ballyhooed reset takes effect amidst  hollow actions birthed from lies and midwifed by UNimaginative dwarfs from the Void.

Breitbart’s latest report on the Great Reset provides indications  the globalists are about to show off the actions they’ve planned behind those psyops they’ve been conditioning US with.

I have no idea why globalist sensibilities were knocked about so that they’ve been driven  to reset the world; after all, history’s evidence indicates they and the families they came from used humanity as their robots. Could it be their BLM people have inspired them to broaden their reparations? Not bloody likely. Sounds more like another effort of reducing opposition forces for the approaching Armageddon they are salivating over.

I think that Freudian slip at 2:03 is closer to the truth behind their concern. Get a look at their full program agenda at  Nothing there a normal person would sign on to, is there? Shaping this and shaping that? Why don’t they call it what it is? Reshaping for their satisfaction despite their phlegmatically presented concerns for our weather forecast wants.

Notice they aren’t addressing US. They’re talking to businesses, governments and civil society perhaps better known by most as NonGovernmentOrganisations; the movers and shakers, the agents of change who bypass our Constitution and our Will as it is shown in Motherless Brooklyn.

They’re talking to Them.

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