Prelude To Chaos

Learning as I writes the book
That sketches how we all been took
And laid across the rack unknown
Stripped to the flesh down to the bone
They void our mind seeking our soul
To change that diamond back to coal.

Despite a year’s passage already behind US in this declared war targeting Western civilization, a goodly portion of the population still shows no sign of being capable of grasping the reality of how and why we got here yet they maintain a willingness to continue the descent for as far as they’re pushed.

I read that type of endangered species has been assigned another identity… Midwits. Pretty funny tag but a serious indicator that “Idiocracy’s” chances to be moved into the documentary category someday are constantly improving.

Using markers UNseen from the one way detour we’ve been crowded onto, the renamed and now under destruction UNexceptional highway, we might be able to help them find their way back home. The trip, however, will have to start with the one subject that gives many of them a case of irritable howl syndrome… Genesis 3:4… where her evil step daddy interrupts the Story of Life when it tells the woman the first lie she ever heard.

Personally, I think that particular lie was used to gauge if and how far she advanced up the cognitive evolution trail based on her widely accepted preexisting genetic variation. It wouldn’t surprise me if the father of lies pondered for a brief moment on the mensuration of the probabilities of her refusing the forthcoming proposition. On the approach, behind those arrogant eyes I’ll bet that ol’ serpent was thinking ‘if she does resist I’ll try flattery and call her Narcissus a few times; but if I can, without flattery, get her to believe she’s godworthy when her entire life experience prior to now was being Adam’s rib, she’ll believe anything and my followers will dance often celebrating female patterned gullibility’.

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