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Ostriches have this reputation of hiding their heads in the ground to avoid being seen by possible predators in the area. While ignoring danger is not true about ostriches the fallacy is widely accepted. Denial, however, is an attribute that can readily be applied to US.

Turkeys also have been maligned for being stupid enough to drown by looking at the falling rain. Not true either, but while tetanic torticollar spasms offer a reasonable explanation for the widely held myth it is proof people prefer partial fiction to piecemeal fact.

While Americans have been fed lies for decades, lies that enforce those negative characteristics it doesn’t mean we are incapable of recognizing the truth. President Trump in the White House is at least a measure of the truth of our discomfort.

The following Oath Keepers message is one of deep import. It is a picture of the fracturing that is the result of post WWII multi-sourced criminality that flowed like subterranean rivers beneath our targeted society. Each questionable, but rarely vigorously challenged, change brought on by the non-allied evil weakening our foundations was explained away with the help of the complicit media and political structure right up to the point we found ourselves staring at our end, teetering on the final support, a political action born of the Will of the People.

It was an angry populous responding in a civilized manner to the message of Donald Trump that recognized the people’s frustration. Rejecting the Globalists we were embracing our America, familiar to US as one Nation Under God.

We the people identified with President Trump’s rise to the challenge to fight for our country and we celebrate our victory. President Trump’s ascendancy over the Deep State’s political theater provides US with strength. We know his stalwart leadership, well proven during that first of many battles, can be relied on as we look forward to future engagements with the tyrannical left and their republican agents.

That is why the following link is so important. We have to be aware of how deep the cracks in our society go. We have to recognize how far our enemies are willing to push. We have to be able to recognize the evil that is being forced to the surface so it can be dealt with. Above all, we have to understand it will be a no quarter fight to the finish.

Never stop praying; always prepare.

Originally posted January 31, 2017

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