Rare Moment

From https://www.wnd.com/2020/08/dem-convention-showed-real-reason-d-c-hates-trump/

“It is the opposite of everything Donald Trump stands for,” said John Kerry in a rare moment of truth in a proceeding packed with lies.

He’s still lying. If he was speaking truth he would have said, It is the opposite of everything Donald Trump says he stands for.

The WMD commentator, Curtis Ellis, OTOH, is participating in a greater sin; which probably in America’s olden days was a crime. https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20171114-the-disturbing-art-of-lying-by-telling-the-truth

Misleading by “telling the truth” is so pervasive in daily life that a new term has recently been employed by psychologists to describe it: paltering. That it is so widespread in society now gives us more insight into the grey area between truth and lies, and perhaps even why we lie at all

When Todd Rogers and his colleagues were looking at how often politicians dodge questions during debates they realised something else was going on. By stating another truthful fact, they could get out of answering a question. They could even imply something was truthful when it was not. Politicians do this all the time, says Rogers, a behavioural scientist at Harvard Kennedy School. He and colleagues therefore set out to understand more about it.

He found that paltering was an extremely common tactic of negotiation. Over half the 184 business executives in his study admitted to using the tactic. The research also found that the person doing the paltering believed it was more ethical than lying outright.

The individuals who had been deceived, however, did not distinguish between lying and paltering. “It probably leads to too much paltering as communicators think that when disclosed, it will be somewhat ethical, whereas listeners see it as a lie,” says Rogers.

What they are saying is, in Washington, D.C. paltering flows like a river and everybody is swimming in it. That’s not why we sent them to Washington or for that matter Lansing, Harrisburg, Tallahassee or any other State capitol.

I understand I’m about to tread on sacred ground, sacred political ground, but I do not acknowledge political partisanship as the path to reclaimed Constitutional rule when that path is littered with broken promises and forgotten threats directed to our enemies.

Here are a few markers supporting that position:

Lock her up

Terminating Relationship With WHO

Attitude in March

Attitude in April


If you choose to interpret this message as a focused attack on Donald Trump you are mistaken and are only contributing to the strengthening of those who collaborate against a free world.

While Donald Trump talks our kind of Talk all that buys is a lot of leeway. The problem with that is every adult knows leeway has a limit. Even the most adult of US can’t deny that the reasonable limit has been reached long ago.

I do think it’s about time the President declares from the Oval Office the Peoples leeway limit has been recognized, the paltering has started to recede, criminals have started to be rounded up and furthermore the walk across the bridge to a self-reliant and honorable America has begun.

Sounds like I’m dreaming? What were you expecting from him when he took Office?

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