This far ranging post will start with a sharing of an email I received regarding the death of Dr. Mike Adams. The sender was more familiar than I was of Adams but his death can not be separated from the events of the times that he so vociferously spoke out against for so many years outside of his classroom. Here is her message.

Dr. Mike Adams is dead at 55 years old, and I am devastated… his beliefs, world view, whatever you want to call it, are also mine, so I am taking his death very personally. He was a Big Target but certainly the heat is intensifying for all the Non-Woke.

We don’t have any official details yet other than he died of a gunshot wound allegedly to the head. Self-Inflicted? We do not know yet how Mike died, but assassination is much more likely than suicide, which honestly never entered my mind. Why did so many of his supporters glom onto that possibility? Sickening. Do not be manipulated one more time by the Tavistock-trained Transformationalists who manipulate and nudge you this way and that to make sure you come to the proper conclusion and accepted destination.

I didn’t know until his death that Mike recently won his defamation lawsuit against his employer, UNC-Wilmington to the tune of $500,000 and was going to retire on August 1. He was ready to start a new life. Yet even people who knew him seem to believe that Mike did a 180 after all the sheeeeeit he has gone through over decades, and said, “Naw, Life is No Longer Worth Living – I am just going to shoot myself in the head.” I need lots more proof to believe in that highly unlikely scenario.

This is hardly reminiscent of Obama Whistleblower Phil Haney’s death back in February. The public outcry then was immediate and fierce that no way did Haney commit suicide as the initial Official report stated (and later changed to murder, but crickets since that time). The same presumption of murder should be made for Mike Adams, as he had real enemies and death threats, too. Take a look at his Twitter feed over the past year or so. In his own words, you can see he was very normal in his beliefs and opinions – not controversial at all to normal people.

Being normal appears to be a capital sin these days, so be wary. We all have been put on notice that we are not worthy of living with our Pro-God/Pro-Life/Pro-Freedom beliefs. The proof is all around us that the enemy is not just talking any more; it’s an action enemy. We all need to wise up about that. These are not “Brats” rioting, looting, and destroying our country. These are grown men and women trained and dedicated to that cause… and we’re still whistlin’ past the Graveyard.

Meanwhile, more conservative notables are dropping in rapid order. Herman Cain and Lloyd Marcus were both strong voices who won’t be around come November to reinforce their messages that identify the real Massa’s in America and will be missed.

Information linked to the ‘action enemy’ connection:

And why wouldn’t they be hateful? They are the sheep of the Rockefeller flock who yearn for the culling of the sheep who do not respond to their shepherd’s signals.

Was David Rockefeller’s 1973 trip to China coincidental to the Chinese government commencing the abortion program directed at unborn females after he left?

Was it only the U.S. Supreme Court participation in “an exercise of raw judicial power…” that made 1973 the year that ‘ma’ was changed to ‘maw’? Women, too, had a role in the propaganda victory.

The Players

The UN Population Fund goes on to declare that the solution to sex-selective abortions is not to protect female babies from intentional violence, but to “tackl[e] the preference for sons through changes in social norms.”

Aborting the female half of population might be traced back to Asiatic logic but this developing eugenics story has me thinking the animal kingdom is being readied to follow a similar path although it makes little sense according to the intentions of the Rockefeller Foundation .

Perhaps the results of the cattle experiments are designed to please those of the political elite class not restricted by rules imposed on the rest of US. Those who would need the protein required to control a weakened and angry though diminishing rapidly crowd would enjoy a regular diet of prime beef, don’t you think?

It’s again time to examine the Rockefeller Foundation contributions to the development and strengthening of our National character and well-being based on the qualities we were once taught had been implanted, nay, infused in our National spirit in 1776 and we celebrate annually on July Fourth.


“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

You’re probably familiar with that one. Do you remember the time Castro visited the U.N.?

An excerpt from *** Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D., is editor-in-chief, Medical Sentinel of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and author of “Vandals at the Gates of Medicine”(1995) and “Medical Warrior: Fighting Corporate Socialized Medicine” (1997). To reach him: P.O. Box 13648 Macon, Ga. 31208 (912) 757-9873 Fax (912) 757-9725 E-mail: Websites: and offers further evidence of Rockefeller values.

In 1995, Castro visited the United States to address the United Nations during its 50th anniversary celebration. It was a visit that was quite telling, as divergent groups came out to embrace him and sing his praises.

He was the honored guest at the Rockefeller family estate in New York. Yet, because of peaceful but serious protests, the honorific invitation had to be moved to the prestigious Pratt House, the headquarters for the Council of Foreign Relations, on East 68th Street in Manhattan.

At that confab, he was met by retired Chase Manhattan Bank Chairman David Rockefeller and a fawning audience of internationalists.

Later, Castro visited and was feted and warmly received by real estate developer and publishing magnate Mortimer Zuckerman and other media moguls and opinion molders such as Barbara Walters, Peter Jennings, Mike Wallace and scores of other media personalities. Castro called them “the cream of the crop” and in return got a big hug and kiss from Diane Sawyer, the most beautiful of them all.

And finally, during that visit, he was also honored at Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church. There, he was proudly surrounded by U.S. Reps. Nydia M. Velazquez, Charles Rangel and Jose Serrano – all New York Democrats and all members of the extreme left-wing House Progressive Caucus.

They are among the 58 U.S. representatives who belong to this group closely aligned to the Democratic Socialists of America, the U.S. affiliate of the Socialist Internationale, the proud heirs of the first Internationale in which Karl Marx participated over a century ago.

All the members of the Progressive Caucus are Democrats, except for Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who makes no pretenses and is a self-avowed socialist.

Interestingly, some of these leaders, particularly some of those who are also members of the Black Caucus, have blamed the CIA for pouring drugs into the streets of L.A. and other cities and killing black youth.

Yet they embrace Castro and his brother, Cuban Defense Minister Raul Castro, who has been implicated for using drugs as an instrument of war against the United States, as documented by Dr. Joseph Douglass in his book, “Red Cocaine.”

In 1993, a federal court in Miami indicted Raul Castro for drug trafficking. Neither Attorney General Janet Reno nor the Black Caucus has asked for his extradition.

In Harlem, Castro was cheered and applauded by the roaring crowd yelling, “Fidel, Fidel, Viva Cuba, Viva Cuba!” He was warmly bear-hugged by Rep. Rangel and told by the presiding church minister that he was one of the greatest leaders of the world and that they joined him in opposing the U.S. blockade. Then the noted cleric consecrated Castro: “God bless you,” he said, although Castro is an atheist and Cuba officially is an atheist state where the faithful are persecuted.

To this topsy-turvy insanity, my understanding for this admiration for Castro and his regime can only come from Scripture in Romans 1:22-25: “Professing to be wise, they became fools who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.”


…“The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history.”

Not much Rockefeller pro-American energy being infused in those examples, so you shouldn’t be surprised by this information… A little too tin-foiley for you? Well, let’s just move up to something more current Read that carefully so you don’t miss anything.

This might be considered by some a related article

This is a follow up published last month to the previous article…

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