Safe Space For Me But Not For Thee


Exclusive: Freedom of Information request refused so ministers have ‘safe space’ to discuss policy

I wasn’t going to go there because it was an English newspaper that carried the story and the English heavy ad usage clogs up my puny laptop’s efficiency something awful but curiosity got the best of me, I clicked, there are very few ads and it wasn’t long before the back of my mind began to question if sharing the story would be frowned upon. Silly me.

…“Disclosure would risk pre-empting decisions still to be made by ministers. In addition, the information could be misleading if made public and used out of context…”

Further on, after the back of my mind was next telling me that if the Democrats were in office they would be arresting those who shared this story for thought crimes. Then I reached this point in the article:

…A former chief prosecutor who initiated charges against a grooming gang in Rochdale warned that far-right groups were using a “vacuum” of reliable information to spread their beliefs and gain support.

Nazir Afzal said he had been calling for formal research on potential links between ethnicity and street-based abuse since 2012.

“The misinformation and anecdote are exploited by white supremacists and others with an agenda,” he added…

Those sentences do appear one after the other in the article, btw, and ‘exploited by white supremacists’ is a link to another Independent article that underpins my cheeky observation about the leftist version of globalists in power.

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