Human Genome Used In Vaccine

What does that mean?

In the earthly arena ruled by neuroscience it means humanity is being transformed.


Their report claims that DNA re-sequencing testing shows that the MMRV vaccine produced from cell line MRC-5 (of fetal origin) had an entire human genome with all the chromosomes of a male individual.

The human reference genome was found to be matched by 99.76% reads from vaccine DNA, that means nearly in all its entirety. The human fetal DNA presented in this vaccine is a single entire genome, that means the vaccine contains genomic DNA with all the chromosomes of a male individual (in fact MRC-5 originates from a male fetus)…

…Vaccines produced with human fetal cell lines contain cell debris and contaminating residual human DNA, which cannot be fully eliminated during the downstream purification process of the virus. Moreover, DNA is not only characterized by its sequence (ATCG), but also by its epigenetic modification (e.g. DNA methylation pattern etc.). This decoration is highly species specific, which is why non-human DNA will be eliminated, while this is not necessarily the case with fetal human DNA.

Injecting our children with human fetal DNA contaminants bears the risk of causing two well-established pathologies:

1.Insertional mutagenesis: fetal human DNA incorporates into the child’s DNA causing mutations. Gene therapy using small fragment homologous recombination has demonstrated that as low as 1.9 ng/ml of DNA fragments results in insertion into the genome of stem cells in 100% of mice injected. The levels of human fetal DNA fragments in our children after vaccination with MMR, Varivax (chickenpox) or Hepatitis A containing vaccines reach levels beyond 1.9 ng/ml…

This is not new information. was published more than two years ago. Don’t miss the information there.

There are so many reasons to resist vaccination.

That transformation mentioned earlier? It will likely come with a barcode you won’t notice nor be told about; and a bar code won’t get you past those Pearly Gates.

10/05/2019 YCMTSU update:

From yesterday 10/04/2019

Passengers and staff have reportedly been evacuated from Glasgow Airport as an incident continues to unfold.

Reports online suggest that dozens of emergency services vehicles, including police and ambulance staff are on site and attending to a grounded plane.

UPDATE The suspected package was leaking dry ice surrounding a consignment of vaccines in glass tubes. The vaccines were not affected reports it was a polio vaccine and the flight originated in Amsterdam.

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