Dear President Trump,

Recently it was reported you complained about no one telling you about a person of influence in your coterie of advisors, General Michael Flynn.

This is an attempt to prevent you from having to repeat that disappointment in the future. If you don’t take the time to reconsider the meaning and intent of your recently published Executive Order 13874 titled “Modernizing the Regulatory Framework for Agricultural Biotechnology Products” you might find yourself taking responsibility for unintended consequences of major proportions.

My concern was raised when I read the celebratory announcement of EO 13874 at made by BIO President and CEO Jim Greenwood.

Being familiar with the political manipulations of Jim Greenwood in the past, which I will submit evidence of in a moment, I will say now, if you think Mr. Greenwood has anything to offer that will in any way Make America Great Again, with all due respect, you need to get a swamp monster ID booklet that includes a reptilian category.

As a resident of the PA-8th District during his congressional tenure, I first took notice of Mr. Greenwood’s bad attitude when I called his office to register my opposition to President Clinton bombing the wrong side of Yugoslavia.

It was all downhill from there so I did what I could to publicize his inability to make a decision that favored a more perfect Union and published this web site:

I never thought I would be using it fifteen years later in an effort to help re-establish Justice in our Nation.

One story you shouldn’t miss is about the baby body parts congressional hearing the Commerce committee sponsored in 2004. The link opens purposely on page14; there you will read of Mr. Greenwood’s method of maintaining domestic tranquility.

It’s very doubtful, too, that Mr. Greenwood’s documented participation in a global parliament as an international legislator on the sly did much for our common defence; and claiming their own secret worldwide parliamentary communications and exchange network might have been intended to promote a general welfare state but it did nothing to secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and certainly not our Posterity.

Instead it made me think those international minded legislators fit very well into the ‘enemies’ foreign and domestic’ category…

Another wonderment that occurred as I was reviewing Greenwood’s congressional performance (and I use that word in its most true sense) was just what do congressional committees do? I had this sense their power was sourced from American citizens and oversight was a major reason for their existence. proved my assumption correct but time after time the Commerce committee, a committee bursting with opportunism and where Jim Greenwood worked assiduously, shows up after damage is done and only to assign blame.

For example, many Americans know the story about Hillery Clinton’s secret server but have they learned that government computer security was reported as near non-existent during Bill Clinton’s presidential term?

Not likely, since the Commerce committee did not hold a hearing on the crimes until the horse was way gone out of the barn and it was safe to express outrage.

A technique Jim Greenwood had perfected.

A little oversight could have prevented that dog and pony show but dog and pony shows are where Jim Greenwood excels.

Greenwood’s pattern of performance continued with the Enron bankruptcy. Lynn Brewer’s book gives account of Greenwood’s scheming machinations she captured from an open mike during a break in the hearing and refers to as “…In his zeal to put some scalps on his belt to satisfy the bloodlust against Enron, it’s sad Greenwood went after one of the small fish. [Lynn Brewer “House of Cards Confessions of an Enron Executive” pg 269].

Now he is touting biotechnology and has been since he walked away from congress during the 2004 congressional election. You have publicly stated your opposition to abortion while Jim Greenwood, celebrated when Obama reinstated embryonic stem cell research.

While placentas have proven a valid source of stem cells, Greenwood’s enthusiasm for abortion seemed to over ride his sense of scientific appreciation of the placentas role in stem cell applications. Could his vision as a leader be distorted?

Has his passion for biotechnology and genetic engineering in particular blinded him to the downside of the industry brought to light by the decades long records of Monsanto’s multiple negative impacts?

As a Vietnam veteran I was made aware of Monsanto in the late Sixties. Then Roundup started making the news. I think it is safe to say if the National Institutes of Health takes notice of glyphosate-based herbicides impact on human endocrine systems it’s time we stopped paying so much attention to the globalist chants of We Are the World and started focusing instead on their poisonous reality.

There is another biotech monster rising on the scene your advisors might not have mentioned to you yet. It’s called dicamba.

Dicamba has been used in the past without the problems reported in the previous article because it was used only as a treatment prior to planting. After Monsanto genetically modified soy plants in the same manner as they modified plants to ‘not be affected’ by Roundup applications, all hell broke loose.

Farmers began spraying the chemical on their fields last summer, and they say it worked splendidly. The problem was that when the weather turned hot, the weedkiller didn’t stay where it was supposed to. It seemed to evaporate and drift, sometimes for a mile or more, into fields of other crops that can’t tolerate dicamba. It left those crops stunted or with curled up leaves.

“I could not walk out of my house without seeing damage,” says Fuller.

Drifting dicamba hurt soybeans, backyard tomatoes, melons and orchards. Millions of acres of crops were affected, from Mississippi to Minnesota.

That was from:

Farmers learned insurance doesn’t cover dicamba damage

Mr. President, most Americans know how the political game is played but even after your efforts to bring the Swamp method to light, I don’t think most of US grasp the breadth of the resistance to our recovery coming out of the swamp. This Unseen resistance generated by swamp people like Jim Greenwood and those he can still reach within the halls of Congress after being out of office for fifteen years is indicative of the level of danger facing our Country.

That is why I am linking to

Those who signed that request do not have our National interest in mind. They are encouraging you to use the influence of the Office of the President of the United States to spread the proven and still dangerous fruits of their biotechnological boondoggle to the rest of the world. I urge you to disregard their request, withdraw EO 13874 and I encourage any readers of this post who may be constituents of those politicians who signed that letter to primary the Republicans out of the election and vote the democrat signers straight up out of office.


John Ryan

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