Mystery Theater

What a week to lose the website.

First, news from the Pennsylvania legislature approaches the bizarre. It seems the First Amendment needs an insurance policy. It’s called anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) Oy!, further proof there are too many lawyers with too much time on their hands. Did you know Twenty-seven other states already have broad anti-SLAPP statutes?

Another grotesquery from the other end of the Harrisburg spectrum is brought to US by Representative Wendi Thomas. Ms Thomas (R-Bucks) is a first time, newly elected State Representative and it looks as if she is well schooled in aiding and abetting the erosion of the American spirit.

That idea of addressing the issue of human trafficking, which she evidently believes has no mentionable connection to the invasion or the weaponized opiates directed at her constituents, appears to be more aligned with the making lemonade out of lemons organization from Upper Bucks which is partnered up with the Chamber than with upholding existing law.

The CoC proclivities are well known. Their domestic tactics can be explained by the chamber involvement in the Postville, Iowa story with the use of their radio station on the FM band KPVL.

Representative Wendi Thomas’ plan of action can be found at where it is written:

…Although we’ve made strides to raise awareness of this issue, more needs to be done to combat the perpetrators. It is our responsibility, both morally and constitutionally, to protect the victims of this insidious crime.

We can’t stop this practice, but we can educate those we serve so that we all have our eyes wide open to the potential danger. We must do everything we can to end his modern-day slavery…

That kind of bull shit just rubs my sensitivities raw. There were people in Pennsylvania visiting politician’s offices long before the self-aggrandizing non-performers arrived. Back then the State level politicians yawned in the concerned citizens faces and told them it was a federal issue; their (the congressional stewards of our Country) favored tactic would be to send their office staff out for the prescribed hour with those who sought an end to the ripping and tearing of America’s cultural fabric. The staff would then condescendingly explain the politician is aware of the problem and is doing what he can to alleviate it.

The obvious and simplest solution is securing the border; if you need another good reason to secure it watch the results of the opportunistic risks people are willing to take in a lawless country like Mexico. In the US it’s called stupid criminal behavior. And our criminal politicians want to import more of it; for a politician ensconced in a secure office, a lawless state offers so many more opportunities to justify their existence it’s a no brainer. Or in the political world, a natural.

For example, Postville, Iowa is where the criminal called home and yes the news story is dated 11/27/2018. Notice deportation isn’t in this guy’s future even when he gets out of prison. But he would be subject to three years of supervised release following his jail term.

I’m not holding my breath on that supervised release thing. But it does fit in nicely with the making ‘lemonade out of lemons make work and well behaved bureaucrat robo-citizens at the same time’ plan.

I think I just caught on to the deep state/CoC dark side secret strategy. I wonder if they refer to it as the plot to not make America great again?

Moving on. It appears Pelosi and her gang was prevented from doing the McCain Redux.


Background on that picture is found here You shouldn’t be surprised that you have to scroll pretty low down to read it.

ISIS is so en vogue these days and democrat leaders have very little creative capacity anymore, having been spoiled by the successes of the Clinton/Obama/Rino gangs ruthless abuses of UNquestioned power, this non-stop democrat effort to topple Trump put the reason for their intended trip to Afghanistan in a very shady category.

The alphabet guardians of the empire should put more emphasis on the real criminals than busting up social media efforts to shed some light on the criminally stupid.

oh… wait.

Yeah, I know. Over-used sardonic expression of discovery of the obvious.

Sometimes that’s all it rates.

I mean who, in what’s left of the alleged free world, does not recognize the democrat party and most of the republican party as criminal organizations and their post 60’s leadership as criminal bosses? And who hasn’t expected, ever since that most catchy chant “Lock her up” reverberated across the land, that by now, we’d have televised trials, speedy denials and non-stop lash downs to the fentanyl bottle of their choice?

Patience is of itself an energy consuming ability best put to use for seeking higher purposes and achieving aspirations. Waiting for promised and well deserved Justice to be served does not fit into either category.

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