Satanic Complexities UNraveled For the Discerning Impaired

Don’t know if you think of George Webb as reasonable or as a trickster or as a reasonable trickster but his videos almost always offer a multi-dimensional view of the results of the political players activities that oft times protect and serve D.C. bureaucracy over the citizens. Those kinds of activities are usually on the down low. It may take a while but when such actions are made public they can infuse some Americans, about 5 or 6% would be my guess, with a sense of expectancy. Those Americans can often be found flocking, or at least sending money, to organizations such as the Tea Party or Oath Keepers.

There are, of course, activities that upset a lesser number of people. A democrat election loss, for instance, have made some of those people scream in anguish. Those people embrace chaos over the order provided when living under our Constitutional rule.

While George’s conclusions are made by connecting bureaucratic dots, his astute observations alone should provide you with some idea of the nature of the playing field the politicians and bureaucrats join up on. It’s also known as the ‘smoky backroom’ for good reason.

Today’s video shows how the D.C. down low activities provide the order needed to produce the necessary chaos that breeds the fertilized change.

The following social commentary from 2001 is not included as an alibi for anyone.

When schemers take dreamers
and make them all mummers
and the rest of us wait for our turn
in the sideshow we think is the bigtop
we are schooled but not so we learn
it’s a masque and for sure
it requires a cure
from the sponsors who bought us to this
by their manipulation and lies and their
poison they rise
to rule us a nation of twits
for we get what’s deserved
when we haven’t the nerve
or the sense to stand for what’s right.

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