There’s a Hillary Slam Going Around

this morning.

Not that she and all her gangster traitor friends don’t deserve it but the basis for the slam goes so much deeper than where the headlined story takes a person. Wasting a perfectly good opportunity like that kicks the angst up a notch. No in-power leftist would allow that to happen, ya know?

I’ll start at the beginning. Pop up king Breitbart ran a headline this morning. It read, “Senator from Punjab: How Hillary Clinton Masterminded a Global Scheme to Replace American Workers”. I would have read the story but my abused Dell laptop freezes up at the mere mention of Beitbart, which it just did believe it or not, so I relied on the headline to get the gist of the story.

Unfortunately, the gist of the story resting uneasily for so many years in my mind is a lot bigger than Hillary’s scheme. Not that her alleged scheme’s intent was not a war-like hostile act against we the people, the very ones responsible for allowing democrats and RINO’s who executed this scheme into office, but if the story is going to be brought up once again, let’s not be shy, let’s describe the background of this vast landscape populated and exploited by the treasonous supporting cast and the scheming foreign enemies with accuracy.

Just to encourage you to click on the following link and read it here’s a couple of raw moments you might not enjoy reading:

Sheila Jackson Lee’s speech in Mumbai must have sounded like a soothing mantra to her Indian audience when she ranted against “unhealthy” legislation to protect American workers from the ravages of outsourcing. Lee sang to the choir when she told the wealthy aristocrats that it’s a “win-win situation” when U.S. jobs are sent to Mumbai.(8) Jackson reassured her cheering Mumbai audience that she will do everything possible to raise the H-1B yearly cap so that more Indians can flood our labor markets…

How ’bout this…

…A significant portion of the $165,000 cost was paid for by U.S. taxpayers.(6) Participants included Reps. Joe Crowley, Steve Israel (NY), Linda Sanchez (CA), Jim Marshall (GA), and Barbara Lee (CA). High-tech workers strongly protested the junket because of its obvious conflict of interest and because these politicians are considered “pro-labor.”…

I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention James Greenwood. Pro abortion congress person who once voted to include the right for a pregnant school girl to be taken out of school for an abortion without her parents knowledge or consent. That he guided the India Caucus to fruition successfully, obviously inspiring the Clinton family onward to bigger and better scams earned him a seat on Air Force 1 with Clinton presiding as they celebrated India taking big, big chunks of the IT industry and with it, the food it put on American family’s tables.

“The India Caucus has become one of the most effective caucuses on Capitol Hill” (1) claimed Rep. Jim Greenwood (R-PA), the outgoing co-chairman of the 2004 caucus. Greenwood isn’t just boasting his Caucus has managed to methodically push India friendly free-trade ideology down the throats of the unsuspecting American public. Greenwood considers this mass betrayal of public trust as a marvelous accomplishment but for Americans concerned about the future of their country and with their own employment prospects, India’s swift rise to power and influence in the halls of Congress is just another sordid demonstration of how our democracy has been subverted by money and greed…

Go on, read how things get done and we get screwed with nary a reach around. No fun in no feeling but the people working the levers behind the curtain are happy.

Some notes:

Sheila Jackson Lee.
Now Sheila understands how black on black crime works
Charting a course to a better world
How many of your friends are movers and shakers?

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