Dem Bones

Cancellous Bones, the Rib and Creation

…Cancellous bone makes up about 20 percent of the human skeleton, providing structural support and flexibility without the weight of compact bone. It is found in most areas of bone that are not subject to great mechanical stress. It makes up much of the enlarged ends (epiphyses) of the long bones and is the major component of the ribs, the shoulder blades, the flat bones of the skull, and a variety of short, flat bones elsewhere in the skeleton.

Cancellous bone is usually surrounded by a shell of compact bone, which provides greater strength and rigidity. The open structure of cancellous bone enables it to dampen sudden stresses, as in load transmission through the joints. Varying proportions of space to bone are found in different bones according to the need for strength or flexibility. Cancellous bone also has a relatively high level of metabolic activity.

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man’” (Genesis 2:21–23).


…Cancellous bone is a spongy type of bone and is responsible for producing stem cells and blood cells. Because of these incredible properties, cancellous bone is typically used for bone grafts due to its concentration of osteoprogenitor cells and therefore a greater ability to form new bone as compared to cortical bone…

 Erythropoiesis: The cancellous bone is the main site of Erythropoiesis. The red blood cells are produced in the red bone marrow at a rate of about two million per second and all this process is done inside the spongy bone or the cancellous bone. The high vascularized nature of the spongy bone is the only reason that is allowing for the rapid production of red blood cells. The elements that are required to make the red blood cells such as the amino acids, lipids, and glucose are delivered by the spongy bone. The old and damaged red blood cells return to the bone marrow when they are ready to die. In the bone marrow, the red blood cells are phagocytized by macrophages. The same process also occurs in the spleen and the liver.

In biological terms, metabolism is a chain of biochemical reactions, and it involves all the biochemical reactions that help in the survival of the organisms. Metabolism is also needed by organisms to grow, reproduce, and maintain different living conditions to sustain…

…The Son of God “did not consider being like God something to be seized.” The clause alludes to the story of the “serpent” tempting Adam – “For God knows that in the day you eat thereof your eyes will be opened and you will become LIKE GOD, knowing good and evil” – (Genesis 3:5).

Adam chose disobedience. The Greek noun rendered “seize” means “plunder, booty” – something that is seized by force…

Scientists are no match for God. They’re not even close. Stay strong in your faith.

For all their fancy equipment in their fancy laboratories with all their whirling test tubes and spinning doodads…

For all their laws, for all their lies, for all the participation they forced that ended in deaths…

For all the aborted infants they slaughtered and then experimented with the dissected parts …

They will never have the power they crave, the power they need, the power they think will enable them to replace God.

For all the billions of dollars spent pursuing that dream, their failings continue; all they’re left with are words like promise, hope and soon and a trail of bodies.

Do you think their bosses like to be reminded all God used was Adam’s rib to create Woman? And he did it in His garden!

Something to keep in mind.

The Delta Rhythm Boys are to sing along with.

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