A Well Regulated Militia Questionnaire

Anything for the cause. I put this together back when the Obama crowd was getting pushy about armed citizenry.

A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

1) Do you believe the County Sheriff is the highest ranking LEO in your county?

O yes O no

2) Do you believe the County Sheriff owes primary allegiance to the State/Federal Government?

O yes O no

3) Do you believe it is acceptable for the County Sheriff to avoid publicly declaring an allegiance to the Second Amendment?

O yes O no

4) Do you believe the concept of holding politicians feet to the fire improves their character and level of respect for constituents?

O yes O no

5) Do you think voting a non-performing, Constitutional disrespecting politician out of office would improve your and your family’s life and well-being?

O yes O no

6) Do you believe the Second Amendment empowers you to join or start a militia group?

O yes O no

7) Do you think a County militia is relevant in the Twenty-first Century?

O yes O no

8) If you said yes to question #7, do you think there is any difference between a Sheriff’s posse and a militia?

O yes O no

9) If you said no to question #8, would you be willing to join a Sheriff’s posse to resist State/Federal gun registration or collection?

O yes O no

10) Do you think Sheriff would ever, if the need arose, call for a posse to resist any egregious State/Federal action contrary to our Constitution?

O yes 0 hell yes O no O Hell no

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