Hillary ‘Hocus-Pocus’ Clinton

This 49 second video just came to my attention. Reminded me of that demonic duo of John Dee and Francis Bacon.

It did not escape observation that Bill Clinton’s announcement about Hillary having conversations with Eleanor Roosevelt might not be considered acceptable in the court of public opinion so I included background from The Gawker article dated 05/10/16 which, in turn, lead me to this profile of Hillary’s one time mentor, Jean Houston.

The meaningful part of Hocus-Pocus follows immediately.

…The mystery religions have been pushing Democracy as the favored brand of government for a few thousand years but you don’t have to dig back that far to tap into the occult elite’s game plan for the United States. Four hundred years to Elizabethan England is deep enough.

It is there we find Francis Bacon, an acknowledged genius of his time, whose vision included the restoration of mankind to its pre-fall from grace state through the advancement of science and the English colonization of the New World; a world meant to be the seed bed for a New Atlantis he planned as the future seat of a global democracy ruled by Britain.

In the award winning volume one video of “Secret Mysteries of America’s Beginnings”, Peter Dawkins, founder and president of the Francis Bacon Research Trust, states Bacon based his work on the Bible but the approach he used in his search for knowledge was through Kabbalah. If you spend any time researching the movers and shakers of Bacon’s New World you will discover that detail was quite common; while they gave the impression they were Christian, in actuality their belief was Deistic; since Deism denies the divinity of Jesus Christ one has to wonder just which of Nature’s Gods they were committed to.

Another 17th Century genius, John Dee preceded and is said to have mentored Francis Bacon in matters of science and metaphysics.

The mathematician Dee and philosopher/writer/scientist Bacon are generally accepted as the founders of the Rosicrucian’s and modern Freemasonry, respectively, in England. Some dispute the accuracy of that assessment but it matters little. The fact remains both made use of the metaphysical in their quest for answers and for the spirits they chose to question, obliqueness is a big part of their game. That obliquity would spill over into the elite’s plans as they conspired to draft the scheme for world government following their nether world advisor’s directions.

A thinking person might ask, if global democracy is such a good thing why hasn’t it been addressed openly since Bacon’s time instead of only between initiates? Did they really fear the wrath of the Kings in the 17th Century? What prevented them from disclosing their plan as our Nation unfolded?…

You sure you want to follow the path Hillary travels? Keep in mind, your free will may end your free will. That’s the kind of outcome that would make the Devil himself guffaw.

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