The White House: Benghazi Disinformation Central

The Benghazi conspiracy is getting darker and darker.

According to information presented at the ‘blame the Benghazi terrorist attack on a video’ story was published by Reuters at 10:32pm ET 9/11/12, a half hour after Obama summoned Hillary Clinton to the White House.

Twenty-six minutes later an article authored by two reporters stationed in Egypt, Maggie Michael and Sarah El Deeb, echoed the same video blame story. In fact, they relied heavily on information contained in the State Department announcement Reuters released.

El Deeb, as Shoebat points out, has a long running sympathy for Muslim Brotherhood activities.

But the information provided by Shoebat yesterday raises even more disturbing questions about the Benghazi tragedy. The terrorist attack started at 3:30pm, Washington, D.C. time and was broken off abruptly at 6:00pm, Washington D.C. time. In those two and a half hours there was no action taken by the administration to bring relief forces into the fight. Instead they used the defeatist lie that no one could have gotten there in time.

Was that it or were they using those precious hours to get that video blame story together?

The second two and a half hour attack started on 9/12/12 at 5:15 am or 11:15pm Washington, D.C. time just minutes after El Deeb’s video story was published from Cairo. It was during this attack on the CIA outpost known as the Annex that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed. The jihadists broke off when reinforcements, soldiers from the Libyan Military Intelligence were approaching.

There is an even worse possible scenario than the making up an alibi possibility, one likely closer to the truth.

It is no secret there are Muslim Brotherhood members holding high ranking positions in the Obama administration. Neither is it secret that throughout the Arab Spring turmoil, Obama and Clinton’s State Department have supported the Muslim Brotherhood insurgents. In addition to that, there is some secrecy surrounding the role of Benghazi in the weapons transfer program that took place with Muslim Brotherhood participation.

It’s not as if either the Muslim Brotherhood or the Obama Administration are inexperienced in planning such action. Together, who knows what they are capable of pulling off?

That we may never learn.

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