The Change Born of Gray

The Oxford Dictionary defines gray area as “An ill-defined situation or field not readily conforming to a category or to an existing set of rules.”

Liars function best in such an environment.

Case in point is the cowboys and girls law breaking administrators working in the State of Michigan and the City of Battle Creek, Michigan protecting the federal government’s plan to destroy our American culture as explained in the Welcoming Cities report

But, hey, don’t think Michigan is the lone State level criminal organization. Western Free Press reported Judicial Watch uncovered a Vermont plot of lies and deception requested by Amila Merdzanovic, executive director of the Vermont Refugee Resettlement Program, to Mayor Christopher Louras, in which she wrote:

I want to share with you the concern my HQ has about holding a public forum. If we open it up to anybody and everybody, all sorts of people will come out of woodwork. Anti-immigrant, anti-anything. They suggest that the forum be invite only but make it as wide as possible. Work with faith leaders, United Way, etc… Perhaps, we could go back to the Congregational Church and continue the conversation there.

I’m pretty sure every town or city in every State accepting cash money from UnSuspecting and UNinformed taxpayers via the executive branch for the muslim resettlement of America has received such advice.

If you aren’t familiar where the basis of these suggestions and accusations of which I am writing originates, just go and read all about it at

If you really want to learn what’s going on check out the transcript of the conference call hosted by Cecilia Munoz almost two years ago.

The gray area mentioned at the beginning of this account is the coalition modeled by the resettlement NGO’s ‘taking the lead’ from the participating local governments whose response to citizens questions is intended to convince US they have nothing to do with resettlement and refer all UNconnected citizen inquiries to the NGO’s public relations person.

In military circles, it is referred to as Grey Area Phenomena

You still not ready to call it an invasion?

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