Democrat Party Hates Opposition So Badly…

How badly is it???

The democrat party hates opposition so badly they won’t use the shooting of Republican Congressman Scalise as a gun control argument.

You want proof? Do a search using ‘President Obama on Gabby Gifford shooting’ and one on ‘President Obama on Congressman Scalise shooting’.

You will find the similarity ends in the search term.

It is not my intention to generate another money raising event for the Second Amendment antagonists. It is a continuation of my efforts to focus your attention on the uniparty’s political machine’s involvement with and determination to eliminate our awareness that they are waging war, a proxy war, on US on behalf of the globalist elite.

I mean, don’t you think the Republicans could have used that failed attempt of the mass assassination of the House Freedom Caucus to strengthen the public’s awareness of the real meaning of our right to keep and bear arms?

Instead we got this.

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