American Blood Is Best

and we will taste it soon. That’s the post-Paris attack propaganda allegedly being repeated at numerous IS related sites.

More of the obvious from

…The Obama administration is at risk. If a Paris-style attack is launched during the next year by ISIS or by Muslims inspired by ISIS or al Qaeda, especially if the perpetrators enter the United States illegally–not that entering legally is a major barrier–the open-borders Democrats will have a great deal of explaining to do…

Gee, ya think? The media is already rolling out and setting up the mysterious Right-Wing targets why would they demand answers from the democrats when the really big turd hits the fan?

And this blaming every leftist dream they manage to transform into bloody reality on their manufactured Right Wing catch all distraction is getting tiresome. This isn’t new; it’s another lie. The Left, probably following KGB orders, long ago tagged the Nazis as the Right Wing because that’s how they are viewed in the socialist pea pod. It’s like the modern Republican Party being recognized as democrat socialist lite. There is nothing in an American conservative’s belief system that is compatible in any way with the Right Wing of socialism known as the Nazis. Yet, the Left hammers that false connection into every mindless television viewer at every opportunity.

Then they added the Right Wing designation to the Democrat party’s own Frankenstein creation, the Ku Klux Klan. Pretty soon, any organization that believed in God and Country the Left couldn’t marginalize into obliquity they labeled Right Wing.

Since the easily distracted segment of society is unable to remember that all the murderous political cults have socialist underpinnings the demented socialists are able to get away with labeling organizations Right Wing that otherwise would be formidable opponents capable of successfully countering the leftist advance. With that capability, the Left has been able to target and eventually undermine any functioning, generally happy society they choose with the endless spring of evil that flows out of their unbalanced minds.

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