A Message To All Bipartisan Liberals

Once upon a time, there would have been a great deal of satisfaction in delivering this message to you all but once upon a time there was little chance you would have understood it let alone believed it. Way too much self-righteous certainty going on in that smoky region between your ears for you to consider this what you are about to read to be any different than one of those bad dreams you sometimes have but goes away when you wake up.

Well, this time is different. If you wake up too late your nightmare won’t go away.

Before we start let me say, in an honest and true fashion, that I don’t have much sympathy to share with you for the turmoil you are soon going to experience; nor do I expect to find much compassion for the accompanying anguish you will be suffering after the light comes on and forces you to recognize and accept that you been had.

I do have enough sympathy and compassion, though, that I won’t dwell on the sudden disappearance of your vast wealth of social wisdom or the evaporation of your superior positioning on moral high ground when the big O Chit moment arrives. Which should happen any day now; once, that is, you all start realizing that Obama’s Operation Bitch Slap targeting Hillary is a well-planned beginning of the approaching end for the useful idiots known as liberals.

Just as Hillary has recently learned, the hard Left neither respects nor loves you. They turned this Country Left by sensationalizing issues and focusing on parts of every story they could distort into an emotional slur. Then they send their operatives out to work the street, order the media to polish the slant and the easily manipulated public responds like a stunted flower child.

It appears now the Left is acting as if their power is entrenched. Once they firmly believe that they’ll be shedding you like a cheap faux fur. That Hillary is going down like a Buddhist monument in a land claimed by the Islamist State is a message event and you had better understand it.

You served your purpose. You’re no longer necessary. Very soon they will not waste their time managing through manipulation and you will learn how easy it is to slide past the just out of reach socialist dream and into a Totalitarian nightmare you’ll say you never saw coming; a hollow protestation whose only purpose is for the likes of you to have an indisputable barrier of self-vindication that will bond all of you together as you readjust to the added weight when the final link in tyranny’s chain is laid on your shoulders.

Face it. You chose not to see it coming. You embraced the lies they’ve been crafting your belief system with all your life. The only chance you had involved work you didn’t want to do. You chose Easy Street instead and in doing so surrendered your freedom to the evil that does not stop working at the end of the day, does not take a vacation and looks at all rejection as a temporary setback.

In the end, it is you who have forged your chains and it is you who will have driven the final nail into the Republic. Remember that if you’re still around when the relocation programs start and you are ordered to share your homes with one or two declared by the government to be officially less fortunate.

Also remember you read it here. I’d like to think I provided some spark to get you through the trying times approaching. Or that spark ignited something within and you grow up and deal with reality for a change.

2 thoughts on “A Message To All Bipartisan Liberals”

  1. Tick tock, tick tock, tick tock

    From http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2015-03-16/lies-end-now-most-transparent-administration-ever-no-more-white-house-delete-its-foi

    …Actually, Obama really couldn’t have picked worse timing because not only does it come hot on the heels of clintonemail.com, but the announcement also is taking place on National Freedom of Information Day and during a national debate over the preservation of Obama administration records.
    It’s also Sunshine Week, an effort by news organizations and watchdog groups to highlight issues of government transparency. Almost as if the president of the US is openly mocking the public, making it clear he is accountable to no one (except of course for a few mega corporations: see: The Best “Democracy” Money Can Buy: For Every Dollar Spent Influencing US Politics, Corporations Get $760 Back)

  2. From http://moonbattery.com/?p=56612

    DNC Chairmoonbat Debbie Wasserman Schultz took to Twitter to ask the world which Democrat policies make us most proud…

    Maybe it was her way of striking back at Obama. Democrats are a peculiar bunch.

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