Fennomenni Kiki Bobo

Ebola. A person would have to be stranded on an uncharted island to not be aware of that word. It’s been a major part of newscasts for the past week. Every detail of every account of the threat, accurate or not, is being told and retold 24/7. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not here to dispute the threat of Ebola but neither am I interested in contributing more empty noise to what could turn into a disaster for most of mankind according to some medical experts. It’s time to cut through the manipulation.

First, it is expedient you understand something about the Center for Disease Control. Their dedication to vaccine as the favored weapon in this next projected life and death struggle is getting some criticism.

That criticism may be easily dismissed by an increasingly frantic public if it wasn’t for this press release put out two months ago.


Wary critter that I am, I was suspicious about an acknowledgement from a CDC Senior Scientist that reported data manipulation took place in a study connecting mercury in vaccines and autism in black children. The possibility that it might be a set up instigated by Democrat race baiters intending to start another divide crossed my mind so I looked a little deeper and found this.

That link will take you to a special report in an epidemiological study of four different populations: Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain and the United States. While the race of the children wasn’t noted, I doubt the study was limited to black children. Cutting to the chase, the special report states:

It is easy to understand why people are not believing the scientific community. It reduces confidence in the scientific enterprise when it turns out that the CDC had information on early versions of the studies of Verstraeten et al. that demonstrated a linkage between thimerosal exposure and autism, that these studies were never published, and that no one has ever explained satisfactorily why different analyses were conducted and why they were changed. But all of these studies have equally debilitating flaws that invalidate any conclusions drawn from them on thimerosal safety

To get a feel of how cold blooded the forces of hocus-pocus can be when the general population gets between them and their power, you should make an effort to read the lengthy report.

That report was based on The Institute of Medicine Immunization Safety Committee Report, issued in May, 2004. Now, of course, it’s 2014 and nanomedicine is part of the landscape and this Life Extension article brazenly announces the Wonder of monitoring by nanodevices. Three guesses how nanodevices gain entry to your body…

This technology centers on scientists’ ability to structure these materials and devices at the molecular scale to address medical problems through research and clinical practice. These “nanodevices” and structures would then be used in human biological systems at the molecular level for monitoring and repair purposes.

You don’t think monitoring has to be limited to your health maintenance, do you?

If I had to pick a spokesperson for the government’s announcement of where and when Ebola vaccines will be administered ‘for your well-being’, I’d pick this guy.

There is an alternative. Take back control.

4 thoughts on “Fennomenni Kiki Bobo”

  1. Who woulda thunk it? They took my advice and made him the Ebola Czar. Not exactly the same guy but apparently they share the same pod… this newest czar being the former shovel ready czar and all.

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