A Tale of Two Countries

From http://uk.reuters.com/article/2014/09/17/uk-australia-security-raids-idUKKBN0HC2G720140917

(Reuters) – Hundreds of heavily armed police raided homes in Sydney and Brisbane before dawn on Thursday, launching a large-scale Australian “counter-terrorism operation” just days after the country raised its national terror threat level to high for the first time.

Australian police said the raids were focused on a dozen suburbs in west Sydney, while local media said operations were also taking place in the Queensland city of Brisbane…

I’d say that’s what American citizens are yearning for; instead we get http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/u-n-to-dump-flood-of-muslim-refugees-on-u-s.html/.

From Pamela Geller:

Most Americans are unaware that under the “Refugee Resettlement Program,” whole Muslim communites from hostile nations are imported into the United States, circumventing whatever immigration laws that are still intact. This is made even more dangerous by what organization determines who is are refugees and who aren’t. It’s the UN, driven largely by the world’s largest international body, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). The OIC is a modern day caliphate made up of 56 countries and the Palestinian terrorists…

See more at: http://pamelageller.com/2014/09/u-n-to-dump-flood-of-muslim-refugees-on-u-s.html/#sthash.89Iw8FEP.dpuf

It’s not likely to change either until we as a people start believing like our young soldiers and Marines caught in this moving video

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